Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Affirmative Action A Question Into Necessity Essay
Affirmative Action: a Question into Necessity In response to being asked about the necessity of affirmative action Maynard Jackson replied â€Å"If you don t like affirmative action, what is your plan to guarantee a level playing field of opportunity?†Affirmative action as seen in higher education has not always been around to the extent we see today, as it was originally used as a tool to prevent discrimination against women in the work force (Messerli). As time went on, though, and equality in the workforce came to a justifiable level with acts such as the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act and more safeguards preventing against discrimination while also helping the underrepresented, it seemed as if by the 1990s affirmative action had achieved its goal. The goal was fairly representing the unfairly represented groups present. However, this didn’t necessarily translate to other aspects of life and more specifically higher education, as up until recently and even today some underrepresented groups are not being given the same shot as majorities. After all was said and done, though, great strides have been made towards progress and even defended, as in the 1997 case of Grutter Vs. Bolinger where affirmative action was defended at the University of Michigan’s Law School in a 5-4 decision that showed that groups not affected by affirmative action are not harmed by it either (Grutter v. Bollinger.). All things considered affirmative action has mended disparitiesShow MoreRelated Affirmative Action and Racial Tension Essay1691 Words  | 7 PagesAffirmative Action and Racial Tension  Affirmative action. What was its purpose in the first place, and do we really need it now? It began in an era when minorities were greatly under represented in universities and respectable professions. Unless one was racist, most agreed with the need of affirmative action in college admissions and in the workplace. Society needed an active law that enforced equality during a period when civil rights bills were only effective in ink. With so much of America ¹sRead MoreDefense, Necessity Defense And Affirmative Defense933 Words  | 4 Pagesconstitution every American Citizen is entitled to a trial and an attorney. With the right to a trial and an attorney those accused also have a right to bring up a defense in justifying or excusing their actions. In this essay I will be looking at defenses such as self-defense, necessity defense and affirmative defense. This essay will serve as a guide to what these defenses really mean and when it is acceptable to use them. 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Others believe that even though it createsRead MoreThe Debate over Affirmative Action1307 Words  | 5 Pagesdebate over affirmative action. Although the United States has made great strides in improving race relations over the past forty years, affirmative action continues to be one of the most controversial policies in America. It has rattle the halls of higher education. It has appeared on the steps of the Supreme Court. And it has divided not only different racial groups, but even members of a single racial group. In fact, I’ve heard some of the most heated conv ersation over affirmative action between twoRead MoreAffirmative Action Should Be Abolished1315 Words  | 6 Pages Affirmative Action March 6th, 1961 Affirmative Action policies in higher education were implemented (Infoplease). Affirmative Action was designed to provide equal access to universities for historically underrepresented minorities. The argument of whether Affirmative Action should be decimated is a simple one. Students who have the academic credentials and earn their way into college deserve to be accepted. For no reason should previously excluded minorities gain unfair leverage in an attempt toRead MoreEssay On Affirmative Action1556 Words  | 7 Pagesfor a diverse campus has led to complications and issues regarding admission processes admitting minority students who are underqualified compared to students not of color in the name of diversity. Diversity has many benefits and the implemented necessity for a diverse campus has lowered racial prejudice in recent years. However, the need for diversity shouldn’t surpass the standards or requirements necessary to attend a certain university of choice. Admissions councils from colleges all over theRead MoreHunger For Memory : Education Of Richard Rodriguez894 Words  | 4 Pagesprogress [Richard’s] older sister, and brother were making (Rodriguez 1982: 19), they encouraged Rodriguez s parents to use English as a primary language at home to help their children academically. Thus, the language of â€Å"los gringos†became a necessity for Richard’s future success. However, after acquiring English, Richard felt that it has diminished his family closeness and that he could hardly relate to his parent’s accented English. Thus, he experiences feelings of isolation while entering theRead MoreAffirmative Action : Is It Still Needed1544 Words  | 7 PagesIn the United States justice is defined as equal treatment of all its citizens under the law. When one citizen is mistreated an injustice has been committed against all people. Affirmative Action is a program whose purpose is to make sure that citi zens are treated equally by enforcing a set of policies which are designed to promote the inclusion of all individuals regardless of race, disability, sex, or religion. In the United States democracy we are all equal, but some groups have been enjoying
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Affirmative Action - 1559 Words
RESEARCH PAPER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION INTRODUCTION Affirmative Action is an employment legislation protection system that is intended to address the systemized discrimination faced by women and minorities. It achieves this by enforcing diversity through operational intrusions into recruitment, selection, and other personnel functions and practices in America. Originally, Affirmative Action arose because of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s desire to integrate society on educational, employment, and economic levels, yet it was John F. Kennedy who issued Executive Order 10925 to create the Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, a commission that evolved into our modern Equal Employment Opportunity Commission†¦show more content†¦The various alternative forms of Affirmative Action all have received national attention. Yet, the country is divided on all of these issues, specifically how university admissions should assess issues of merit and diversity against national fundamental issues of diversity and fair ness. One author argues that there is a â€Å"theory of successful intelligence†[3] that says minorities can achieve no matter if Affirmative Action policies are in place or not. He says, â€Å"Successful intelligence is the ability to succeed in life, according to one s own conception of success.†[4] This author also makes the argument that successful intelligence is not about being good at one thing only. It instead views, everyone as having strengths and weaknesses, no matter how smart or intelligent they are. In the Affirmative Action case Grutter v. Bolinger, there was a majority opinion 5-4 that continued the use of Affirmative Action in college admissions. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor stated, â€Å"In order to cultivate a set of leaders with legitimacy in the eyes of the citizenry, it is necessary that the path to leadership be visibly open to talented and qualified individuals of every race and ethnicity.†[5] However, it is apparent that Affirmat ive Action is only used to â€Å"open the door†as many believe that AA should not be needed for anyShow MoreRelatedThe Affirmative Of Affirmative Action Essay1389 Words  | 6 Pages Many affirmative action efforts have been made since the end of the Civil War in order to remedy the results of hundreds of years of slavery, segregation and denial of opportunity for groups that face discrimination. Many African Americans such as President Barack Obama, Senator Cory Booker, the writer Toni Morrison, the literary scholar Henry Louis Gates, media star Oprah Winfrey, and rap star Jay-Z have achieved positions of power and influence in the wider society (Giddens, Duneier, AppelbaumRead MoreAffirmative Action1160 Words  | 5 PagesAffirmative Action Marlene S. Smith MGT/434 October 28, 2013 Thomas Affirmative Action Affirmative action is an action that was purposefully designed to provide full and equal opportunities for employment and education for women, minorities, and other individuals belonging to disadvantaged groups. This paper will assess the rudiments of Affirmative Action as it applies to public and private sector employers. The paper will also evaluate what employers are subject to affirmative actionRead MoreAffirmative Action1571 Words  | 7 PagesName Professor Name Management 11th November 2011 Affirmative Action Thesis: Affirmative Action has helped many women and minorities in entering the job market. Although there has been a lot of hue and cry regarding the benefits of the affirmative action and the suitability of candidates selected thorough affirmative action; research has shown that affirmative action is beneficial and the candidates of affirmative action perform as well as those who are selected through theRead MoreAffirmative Actions1078 Words  | 5 PagesRunning Head: AFFERMATIVE ACTION Affirmative Actions Affirmative action is an action taken by an organization to select on the basis of race, gender, or ethnicity by giving due preferences to minorities like women and races being not adequately represented under the existing employment. To make the presentation of all these compositions almost equal in proportion to do away the injustice done in the past. The Supreme Company need to design an affirmative action program in the light ofRead MoreAffirmative Action1759 Words  | 8 PagesAffirmative Action Right? Affirmative action has been around for decades. Some believe it isn’t fair but others do. Those who believe and agree with affirmative action tend to say, â€Å"The principle of affirmative action is to promote societal equality through the preferential treatment of socioeconomically disadvantaged people†(Bidmead, Andrew pg 3). Others that disagree with it and find it unfair simply see it as another form of discrimination, giving one group extra advantages based upon nothingRead MoreAffirmative Action And Its Effects On Affirmative1263 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout America there are many different views on the effects of affirmative action. Many see it as a negative policy which gives an unnecessary advantage to minorities in America. In a 2009 Pew Poll, â€Å"58% of African Americans agree†and only â€Å"22% whites agree†that there should be â€Å"preferential treatment to improve the position of blacks and other minorities†(Public Backs Affirmative Action†). Today affirmative action and other racial injustices tend to be in the spotlight quite often, suchRead MoreAffirmative Action774 Words  | 4 PagesAffirmative action is a practice that is intended to promote opportunities for the â€Å"protected class†which includes minorities, woman, and people with disabilities or any disadvantaged group for that matter. With affirmative action in place people of this protected class are given an even playing field in terms of hiring, promotion, as well as compensation. Historically, affirmative action is only known to have protected African Americans and woman; however that is not the case. Affirmative actionRead MoreAffirmative Action : Gender Action Essay970 Words  | 4 PagesAffirmative Action (ADD PROPER INTRO) Affirmative action, in its broadest sense, are attempts to help create labor and educational opportunities for groups that have been disadvantaged in the past. (Miriam Webster). Evidence has shown that throughout history, many groups have been discriminated against, and because of past (discriminations?), they continue to experience obstacles in areas of hiring, promotion, renting, buying, gaining education, and everyday economic activities. Thus, affirmativeRead MoreAffirmative Action Is An Action Or Policy? Essay1774 Words  | 8 Pages Affirmative Action remains one of the more complicated and controversial topics dealt with in American society. Affirmative Action is an action or policy designed to protect specific groups who suffer from discrimination, and provide them with programs and special opportunities. These government or private programs were designed to set right historical injustices towards the members of these groups who have suffered things like employment and e ducational disadvantages from racial discriminationRead More Affirmative Action Essay1127 Words  | 5 PagesAffirmative Action Affirmative action is a deliberate effort to provide full and equal opportunities in employment, education, and other areas for women, minorities, and individuals belonging to other traditionally disadvantaged groups. As an issue of todays society, affirmative action requires corporations, universities and other organizations to establish programs designed to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly. It also places a burden of proof on the providers of opportunities;
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Process of Buying Your First Car free essay sample
The Process in Buying Your First Car The process of buying a brand new car can be a thrilling and exhilarating experience. Whether you are the first time car buyer looking for a reliable car to get you around town or a seasoned car buying expert, having the most up to date information and advice on the car buying process can be a definite advantage. Before you start looking to buy a car there are some things you will need to come to a decision on, such as, how much you can afford, whether to buy a new or used one and whether to pay cash or finance. First, you will need to decide what makes and models you are interested in, than do as much research on that type of auto as you can. Read reviews, consumer reports, ask your colleagues and friends, compare the optional equipment on each car, gather gas consumption data on the make and model you’re interested in. We will write a custom essay sample on The Process of Buying Your First Car or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Examine the reliability ratings. Try to determine the maintenance costs and upkeep. Next, make a list of what you are looking for in a car. You should decide what color, appearance, style, vehicle type such as an SUV, sedan, or coupe. Choose whether an automatic or a manual transmission. What kind of gas mileage, the number of passenger seating, how much storage capacity? What is the reliability rating and what safety features are included with the auto. Then you should write down what it is you need in a car. Write the needs down first and then write down what you want. You can then prioritize your list by rank of importance. You should decide how much you are willing to pay for the car and do not deviate from it in any way. Decide whether you’re going to buy from a dealership, a private owner, or from an auction. Whether you have a trade-in, pay cash or finance? This can influence how much you are willing to pay. This could be what determines whether you buy a new or used, economy or luxury auto. Then narrow down your prospects to just a few to choose from. This will help you when you start looking for which dealerships to go to or advertisements to look at.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Korean Immigrants In America Essays - Military History By Country
Korean Immigrants in America Description Story of Korean immigrants in America The Paper: Before the World War II era, the smallest Asian community to settle in the United States of America was the Korean American community. Between 1903 and 1905, immigration records show some seven thousand Koreans migrated to Hawaii. Hawaii had been annexed to the United States in 1898 and organized as a territory in 1900 A fraction of those immigrants came to the mainland. After 1905, sizable. Korean emigration was all but stopped by Japanese overlords. Tens of thousands of Koreans then went or were brought to Japan, but their descendants are still not granted citizenship and other human rights. The early Korean American community differed from the other Asian communities in social characteristics. The Koreans were largely a community of . families, and a majority of them had converted to Christianity before leaving their homeland. They saw Christianity as a kind of protection from the brutal Japanese regime. (Encyclopedia of American Social History, Volume II, pages 880-887) (America-A New World Power, Page 107) The changes in the world that were made by World War II opened the golden door of immigration once again. However, Korean immigration to the United States was most greatly influenced by the Korean War and fueled anew by the Immi- gration Act of 1965. Before World War II, Korea had been one country, but in the aftermath of that war, Korea was taken from Japan and occupied by the Soviet Union north of the thirty-eighth parallel, and by the Americans south of that line. After four years of occupation, American forces left South Korea in 1949. North Korea saw this as the chance they had been waiting for, the invasion of South Korea... (Readers' Digest, The Story of America, 457) The Korean War began June 25, l950. It was early afternoon in New York, high noon on the West Coast, and four o'clock in the morning in faraway Korea. The summer monsoons had just begun, and heavy rains were falling, when the North Korean army of seventy thousand men, forty miles of big guns, and Russian T34 tanks crossed the thirty-eighth parallel. Sheet after sheet of flames erupted, and North Korean planes filled the air toward Seoul, less than fifty miles away. As General MacArthur would later state, "North Korea struck like a cobra" that wet morning of June 25, 1950. The Korean Peoples' Army(KPA) and the North Korean Army captured Seoul on Wednesday, June 29th, 1950. Russian diplomats had been boycotting the United Nations Security Council meetings, because the United Nations had not admitted Red China. Because of that boycott, President Harry Truman was successful in his appeal to the United Nations for "police action". For the first time in history, on Sunday, July 3, l950, an international organization voted to intervene against aggression.("The Glory and the Dream" William Manchester, pages 532, 533, 535) American ground forces successfully landed on Inchon September 15, 1950, and the United Nations forces began to gain the offensive. They retook Seoul, crossed the thirty-eighth parallel and broke through the Pusan perimeter by September 30th. KPA forces began retreating in the second phase of the war. Southern forces were approxi- mately twenty-five miles north of the parallel and had captured Wonson, on the eastern side of North Korea. After the regain of land, the South Korean forces, without much resistance from the North Korean units, marched toward the Yalu River. The tide of the war was turned once more, by the unexpected decision of China's entry into the war. United Nations forces were sent retreating again by the North Korean units which included Sino-Korean troops. Pyongyang was retaken by the Communist forces on December 6, who then re-crossed the parallel, and retook Seoul by the end of December. By the end of January, 1951, United Nations forces regained the offensive on the Han River and retook Seoul by March 14. Conditions were of desperation and despair in all of Korea, especially Seoul ,which had changed hands four times. Many Koreans fled their homes to find refugee camps, but did not leave in large numbers until after 1965. Truce negotiations began July 10, 1951, but dragged on for months and
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Difference between judicial ac essays
Difference between judicial ac essays Difference between Judicial activism and Judicial restraint Our American judiciary branch of the federal government has contributed and molded our American beliefs in this great nation. This branch of government is respected because of the code of conduct that the judges, no matter how conservative or liberal. The language of the court as well as the uniform of the cloaks that judges wear has most probably contributed towards this widespread respect. Throughout the history of the United States, I noticed a pattern of cause and effect that our judiciary branch had practiced. I noticed that the judicial branch usually restrain themselves from involving in critical civil policy, but will be active when the time comes when the general public, in which the case is decided, feels a change is needed. We have enough evidence to see how our judicial branch should act. Should the judicial branch be more active towards shaping American policy or restrain as long as possible before being forced to act upon very critical civil policies? Judicial activism is the view that the Supreme Court should be an active and creative partner with the legislative and executive branches in shaping government policy (Wasserman American Politics 138). The believers of this philosophical view of how our judicial branch should be suggest that the Supreme Court more active and participate in molding the policies of American society. It can be argued that during the end of the Civil War and the Separate but Equal era, in cases such as the Brown v. Board of Education, Baker v. Carr, Missouri ex. Rel. Gaines v. Canada, and Sweatt v. Painter. The more recent, Bush v. Gore case is a fine example of judicial activism. Judicial Restraint, on the other hand, is the idea that the Court should not impose its views on other branches of the government or the states unless there is a clear violation of the Constitution (Wasserman American Po...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Hoping and Hopping - Commonly Confused Words
Hoping and Hopping - Commonly Confused Words The words hoping and hopping are both present participles (verb forms ending in -ing), but theyre pronounced differently and their meanings are not related at all. Definitions Hoping is the present-participle form of hope- to wish or feel that something good or desirable will happen, or to expect something with a degree of confidence. Hopping is the present-participle form of hop- to make small jumps (sometimes on just one foot), to be very busy, or to be extremely upset (as in the expression hopping mad). Examples Jimmy left for school early the next morning, hoping to avoid Benny and his buddies.Kolya was hopping along like a chicken trying to catch a worm.I had no appetite for the sparrows hopping from tree to tree above me, but there seemed no way to convince them of that. Each one, so great is his vanity, thinks himself eminently edible.(J.F. Powers, Death of a Favorite. The New Yorker, 1951)Bo shuffled along, quickly, almost hopping, hoping to beat her to the door.(Thomas Glynn, Bo and Be. Statements 2: New Fiction. Fiction Collective, 1977) Usage Notes and Idiom Alert When a verb ends in a final silent e, drop that e before adding the suffix -ing. The word is hope with a long o sound. The final silent e makes it long. It is not hop, which is pronounced with a short o and is what bunnies are supposed to do...Hop is a one-one-one word: a word of one syllable, ending in one consonant, preceded by one vowel. You double the final consonant before adding a suffix beginning with a vowel.  (Elizabeth Hagner, Spelling Demons Week by Week. Walch Publishing, 1997) Hoping Against Hope [To hope against hope means] to hope or wish for with little reason or justification, as in Im hoping against hope that someone will return my wallet.(Christine Ammer, The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013)   Practice (a) Mary saw Paul _____ along the pier.(b) She was _____ that he wouldnt trip.(c) The restaurant was _____- Grant had told her about its growing popularity- but fortunately they had reservations.  (Jennifer Lane, Bad Behavior. Omnific Publishing, 2011) Answers to Practice Exercises (a) Mary saw Paul hopping along the pier.(b) She was hoping that he wouldnt trip.(c) The restaurant was hopping- Grant had told her about its growing popularity- but fortunately they had reservations.  (Jennifer Lane, Bad Behavior. Omnific Publishing, 2011)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
THE PRE-SOLICITATION NOTICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
THE PRE-SOLICITATION NOTICE - Essay Example Contracting processes normally are slower and require spending a lot of time and resources on checking and verification of the offices or other property and this can be sped up through pre solicitation process. Since notices of buying attract many people, pre solicitation notices assist in sorting out the potential buyers from the rest of the group and this also saves a lot of lost hours in trying to determine the serious buyers from the whole lot. The process should have oral presentation where the contract bidders are offered enough information about the process especially its importance and even allowed to ask question. This will enable them make an elite choice or decision in regards to the contract. The language in the pre solicitation notices should be simple and to the point. These notices have technical language which confuses many people and especially the first time contract bidders that they fail to understand what they are getting into. Lastly is the shortening of the notice and the notice process. Many contract bidders are busy and have little patience for long processes not to mention a lengthy notice which they are required to read through before agreeing to it. Reducing the wording and the process altogether will really help the first time contract
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Philosophy Psychological Egoism vs. Ethical Egoism Essay
Philosophy Psychological Egoism vs. Ethical Egoism - Essay Example Ethical egoism has a normative ethical theory which helps us to determine between the right and wrong of things or actions. In fact, it guides us as to how we are supposed to act in different situations. In contrast to Ethical Egoism, we have Psychological egoism that is based on the descriptive theory which means that it describes certain salient facts about human psychology. According to Ethical egoism, we help others with the notion that it works to the person’s own benefit and advantage and in the course of it, justify our actions. In Ethical egoism it is often debated that sometimes the help that is rendered does more harm than good, and since harming others is wrong, therefore we should not help others. Others have argued that we do not understand the needs of others and hence end up intruding upon their privacy and dignity which might be offensive to them and hence helping them is not necessary. According to the principles of egoism, condemning a certain action would oc cur if it did not work out in one’s own self interest and condemning any action on the basis of harming others would not be the case unless the action harmed one’s own self. According to the ethics of Altruism, the life of an individual is not given too much importance because according to altruistic principles, an individual should be ready to lay down his life (sacrifice) for the good of others. On the contrary, Ethical egoism permits an individual to view their life as having an ultimate value. In weighing the pros and cons between the two, ethical egoism is more acceptable. However, besides the two there is another option where we are in a position to balance our own interests with the interests of other individuals in our society. Egoism offers us a rationale when looking at it from a common sense moral perspective. On moral grounds not harming others, not lying and keeping to our
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Women Empowerment Essay Example for Free
Women Empowerment Essay When women are the advisor, the Lords of creation dont take the advice till they have persuaded themselves that it is just what they intended to do; then they act upon it and if it succeeds, they give the weaker vessel half the credit of it; if fails, they generously give herself the whole.- Louisa May Alcott Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right. A woman is entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from want and from fear. Empowering women is also an indispensable tool foradvancing development and reducing poverty. Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities and to improved prospects for the next generation. Yet discrimination against women and girls including gender-based violence, economic discrimination, reproductive health inequities, and harmful traditional practices remains the most pervasive and persistent form of inequality and also decrease in child sex ratio. Women and girls bear enormous hardship during and after humanitarian emergencies, especially armed conflicts. They usually have less access than men to medical care, property ownership, credit, training and employment. They are far less likely than men to be politically active and far more likely to be victims of domestic violence. The ability of women to control their own fertility is absolutely fundamental to women’s empowerment and equality. Gender equality implies a society in which women and men enjoy the same opportunities, outcomes, rights and obligations in all spheres of life. Now let us come to our country, India today is at the cusp of a paradigm change in its growth and its position in the world. We (both men and women) must act decisively to capture this opportunity. We need to think big and scale up rapidly in each and every area, be it education, infrastructure, industry, financial services or equality of both genders. For around two centuries, social reformers and missionaries in India have endeavored to bring women out of confines in which centuries of traditions had kept them. According to the 2001 Census, the percentage of female literacy in the country is 54% up from 9% 1951. But we should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. Earlier, most women were able to demonstrate the leadership qualities only on their home fronts, as in Indian society man has always acted as the master of the scene and the decision regarding the issue of empowering women has always been taken by him. God has gifted women with compassion, tender-heartedness, caring nature, concern for others. These are very positive signs which imply that women can be leaders. Though some women have shown their mettle yet a large number of them have to sharpen their leadership qualities in various ways. In order to help women to be in limelight, they need to be empowered. Therefore, empowerment of women is the prerequisite to transform a developing country into a developed country. empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions. relationship and power. Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, womens sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are they key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Educational attainment is essential for empowering women in all spheres of society, for without education of comparable quality and content given to boys and men, updated with existing knowledge and relevant to current needs, women will be able to have access to well-paid formal sector jobs and advance with men. The economic empowerment of women is a vital element of strong economic growth in any country. Empowering women enhances their ability to influence changes and to create a better society. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in womens mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. Slight improvement in womens involvement in household decision-making in male-headed household, on such issues as credit, the disposal of household assets, childrens education and family healthcare can work wonders. Traditionally, gender based divisions persisted in intra-household decision-making. Women basically decide on food preparation and men make the financial decision. Women are one of the greatest assets in our society. They equal to men in all aspects. Women are more perfectionist in the power to create, nurture and transform. Today, women are emerging as leaders in growing range of fields. be it aeronautics, medicine, space, engineering, law, politics, education, businessyou just name the profession and they are there, all that needed in todays world in their empowerment. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. scholarship programmes aimed to bridge gender gap in education should take into consideration the context in which it is implemented, the actual needs of the people it wants to help, without overlooking external socio-economic, political, cultural and infrastructural factors with potential influence on the effective presence and success of girls in school. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defence, administration, media and research fields. Twenty-six laws have been enacted so far to protect women from various crimes. The recent law on the protection of women against domestic violence satisfies the long pending demand of the women activities. In the political field, the reservation for women is a significant step forward towards their political empowerment. When thirty-three percent reservation for women in Parliament becomes a reality, womens voice will be heard in the highest forum of democracy. The day, women of India will reach zenith in their empowerment. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they dont have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Some qualities to be acquired by women to become truly empowered are awareness about risk prevailing at home, in work place, in traveling and staying outside home. They should have political, legal, economic and health awareness. They should have knowledge about support groups and positive attitudes towards life. They should get goals for future and strive to achieve them with courage. The best gift parents today can give to their daughters is education. If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, So, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How Should America Handle Illegal Immigration? Essay -- American Histo
200 years ago the very first immigrants arrived on American soil. The United States established itself upon the concept of immigrants but a great debate of how immigration policies will take effect goes on still today. The controversy: how should the United States and Mexico handle legal and illegal immigration? More and more immigrants arrive illegally in search for a better life. In just the last fifteen years, a tremendous increase of illegal immigrants came to the United States. They believe 700,000 per year†(Nadadur 1040). An estimated of 11.9 million in total (Galston Pickus and Skerry 89). Many Americans feel the opposite, as if the American Dream will be lost in the balance with so many immigrants. Both points of views increase to the intensity of the controversy. The United States will always stand tall, known as a nation formed by immigrants journeying towards a better life. The question; how does this great nation balance the reality with the need to uphold freedom of choice and national rule of law? Many intelligent and ambitious people have the desire to bring their talents and gifts to America. Rarely does a country offer the privileges that the United States offers. Whether it is towards education or work the opportunities are limitless. We as Americans have the freedom to choose and to make the best of our future. Only in America where we can dream of being a â€Å"nobody†but eventually we can become a â€Å"somebody†. Over the history of the United States we have seen such examples. Hakeem Olajuwon was born January 21, 1963 in Nigeria. Nicknamed, â€Å"The Dream,†Olajuwon led the Rockets to the NBA championship in 1994 and 1995, and was voted the league’s most valuable player for the 1993-94 season. â€Å"The Dream†became an Ame... ...disastrous, and hugely costly in human terms. Neighborhoods would be torn apart, families would be separated, and a new and sorry chapter in American race relations would be written†(90) The American people just like the Mexican people press forward in the journey of happiness and continue to search for a better quality of life. The constitution of the United States of America states, â€Å"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.†With morals and standards like these guiding the United States, a better quality of life and happiness will be found by both the American and Mexican people.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Indian poet from around the 16th or 17th century, known as the father of the Malayalam languageâ€â€which is the principal language of the Indian state of Kerala, spoken by 36 million people in the world. [1] In his era, Vattezhuttu, an old script originally used to write Tamil, was generally used in Kerala to write this language. However, he wrote his Malayalam poems in Arya-ezhuttu, a Grantha-based script originally used to write Sanskrit, so that he could accurately transliterate Sanskrit words into Malayalam. His works became unprecedentedly popular, which also popularized the writing system adopted by him, and that is the current Malayalam alphabet. He was born in Trikkantiyur ( , Tr? kka iyur), in the town of Tirur, in Kerala. At that time,it was a part of Vettattnad. [2] His personal name is Ramanujan. Thunchaththu is his â€Å"family name†, and Ezhuthachan (schoolmaster) is an honorific title or the last name indicating his caste. His name is transliterated in several different ways, including Thunchath Ezhuthachan, Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan, and Thunjath Ezhuthachan. Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan lived in the 16th century,[3][4] or the 16th century. [5] He was born at Trikkantiyur (Trkkantiyur) in the Tirur municipality, Malappuram, Kerala, India. His birthplace is now known as Thunjan Parambu. According to Arthur Coke Burnell, he was â€Å"a low-caste man who goes under the name Tunjatta E? uttacchan, a native of Trikka iyur in the present [1874] district of Malabar. He lived in the seventeenth century, but his real name is forgotten; Tunjatta being his ‘house’ or family-name, and E? uttacchan (=schoolmaster) indicating his caste†. 6] In 1865, Burnell actually saw the manuscript of the Bhagavata translated and adapted by Thunchaththu, allegedly copied by his sister, preserved at Puzhakkal in the Chittur taluk, and wrote in his book published in 1874: â€Å"The author’s stool, clogs, and staff are preserved in the same place; it thus looks as if Tunjatta E? uttacchan was a sannyasi of some order. †[7] Some sources[who ? ] state that he was born into a Chakkala Nair among Nairs) family, held low among Savarna hindu caste system of Kerala and among the Nair caste. Some apocryphal legends have that Ezhuthachan's father was a Namboodiri . That version is totally ahistoric. [8] A few sources claim that he was of the Ezhuthachan caste. A. C. Burnell, a noted indologist, had categorically stated that Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan belongs to Ezhuthachan Caste only. He had stated this when he edited an article written by another important scholar F. W. Ellis when he published that article in â€Å"Indian Antiquery †in 1878 after the death of linguist Ellis. In that path breaking article Ellis articulated the evolution of Malayalam (â€Å"Malayanma†) and other south indian languages. F. W. Ellis had stated: A Brahman without a father must be born of an unmarried female of that tribe, whose celibacy ought to have been inviolate: he is considered, therefore, illegitimate, and has scarcely an assignable place in society. Elutt' Achan, or the ‘Father of Letters', was a Brahman without a father, and on that account has no patronymic†¦. The Brahmans envied his genius and are said to have seduced him by the ar ts of sorcery into the habit of ebriety†¦.. he enriched the Malayalam with the translations, all of which, it is said, he composed under the immediate influence of intoxication†¦. To which A. C. Brunell added the footnote: â€Å"Eluttachchan [sic] lived in the 17th century; there is no reason for supposing that he was a Brahman father's illegitimate son; he was certainly an Eluttachchan (or schoolmaster) by caste†Great Malayalam poet and historian Ulloor S. Parameswara Iyer concludes Ezhuthachan as either Chakkala Nair or Vattekattu Nair. Sri K. Balakrishna kurup in his famous book â€Å"Viswathinte Kanappurangal†published by Mathrubhumi ptg and publishing company Kozhikode had stated that Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan belongs to Ezhuthachan caste. Prof. T. B. Vijayakumar noted scholar, historian had written many articles in all prestigious journals, like Mathrubhumi Weekly, had also stated that Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan belongs to Ezhuthachan caste. In nut shell, Ezhuthachan was a Kaniyan by caste and had a title Ezhuthu Asan in relation with his teaching service in Ezhuthupalli. In the Pre and early British ruling era of Kerala, the Kaniyans (traditional astrologers) were the only class who had undertaken the role of teaching letters, grammar, sanskrit and literature to non Brahmin communities. So they were known Ezhuthu Asan (Ezhuthachan in the vernacular), but, later this professional name was adopted by the descendants of families of non Brahmin disciples of Thunchat Ezhutahchan ,as a special caste or class. Most of these people were from Chakkala Nair and Kadupattan castes. [edit]Father of Malayalam language According to Dr K N Ezhuthachan, noted scholar, writer, essayist, poet, only Ramayanam and Bharatham belong to him. Others, usually attributed to him, were not really his . See his two volume selected works of Dr K N Ezhuthachan, published by Kerala Sahithya Akademi Thrissur. According to Dr K N Ezhuthachan even †Uththara ramayanam†is not of his. Its compostion lacks Ezhuthachan's stamp and genius. There may have been many popular keerthanas, namam or japam by other poets, but it was veritably impossible to find a single house in Kerala without Ezhuthachan's â€Å"Adhyathmaramayanam†during those dark times of war, disease and famine. There is no doubt about his contribution to the literary level of the common man. Ezhuthachan taught the people to respect and worship the language and the alphabet, a level of culture which is difficult to find even in the modern era. He refined the Malayalam language style and wrote his works for ordinary people, incorporating whatever is good with a strong sense of righteousness and worship. His contribution to the Malayalam language through the Adhyatmaramayanam (a translation of the Ramayana and â€Å"Mahabharatham†(a translation of the Mahabharata) is unparalleled, and his contribution in the cultural level is immense. His chief original works are said to include the:[9]: Keralolpathi Hari Nama Keerthanam – The song of the Holy Name â€Å"Hari†Ganapatistavam Kilippatu Prasthanam Devi Mahatmayam Kerala Natakam Harihara Sudham Various census reports (Census reports of erstwhile Madras presidency- Census reports erstwhile princely states of Cochin and Travoncore were also included in that) from 1870 onwards- Ezhuthachan Caste was shown as low caste sudra caste. [10] â€Å"†¦ [T]he phrase ‘father of language’ is a symbolic reference. Language represents culture. So Ezhuthachan is in fact denoting culture. He shone as a brilliant star above our culture. He renovated the alphabets of heart. We see the light of conscience and moderation in Ezhuthachan. We call him ‘the father of Malayalam language’ because he led the language to a new dimension. †– Chattanath Achuthanunni Chair Thunjan Festival meeting (1998 ) Great poet Mahakavi Kodungallore Kunhikuttan Thampuran who was a titan among poets, who singlehandedly translated entire Mahabharatham into Malayalam vernacular within short span of time, stated in an article in a literaray journal, â€Å"Rasikaranjini†edited by himself, that Thunchath Ezhuthachan belonged to Ezhuthachan Caste only. [edit]
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Far From the Maddening Crowd Essay
Bathsheba Everdene is the main character in the book â€Å"Far From The Madding Crowd. †She is central to nearly every situation and is held in high regard by the village people. She has her ups and downs in the book, her highs and her lows, finding love and happiness, only for it to be torn away from her and handed back to her in the not too distant future! Bathsheba begins the book in a cold hearted way, first refusing to marry Gabriel Oak and then playing with the feelings of farmer Boldwood, this coming back to haunt her further in the book. She reluctantly sent Boldwood a Valentines card aided by her maid Liddy’s persuasion, declaring her love for him, and seemingly to her surprise, poor Boldwood takes it very seriously resulting in a cat and mouse game of love. In chapter 24 at the fir plantation, Bathsheba was heading home when she bumped into a dark stranger and became tangled up in his boots. She tried to wriggle free but to no avail. After a lot of fiddling by the stranger, he freed Bathsheba and rose face to face. Bathsheba asked him â€Å"Who are you then, who can so well afford to despise opinion? †The stranger replied â€Å"No stranger. Sergeant Troy†. Bathsheba was evidently spooked by Troy; little knowing he’d be her future husband. Bathsheba met up with Troy on several occasions and subsequently fell in love with him. They agreed to marry whilst on a visit to Bath and returned to Casterbrige to Boldwood’s and Oak’s despair as Mr. and Mrs. Troy. When Boldwood discovered the news, he was erratic in his actions. He offered to buy Bathsheba from Troy and eventually after torment from Troy, he murdered him in front of the whole of the village at a Christmas party. He then proceeded to kill himself with the same gun and in the same spot where Troy died. Bathsheba was deeply upset about the death of her husband despite the fact he declared he did not return her feelings after the death of his previous fianci , Fanny Robbin. Eventually our widow married Farmer Oak whom she clearly was in love with from the first time they met. Bathsheba’s toying with Oak, Troy and especially Boldwood could be seen as a reason for her not to find happiness in the book, but despite her unkind joke with Boldwood, Bathsheba didn’t set out to hurt anyone and was caught up in a battle for her love between these men. After the death of Fanny Robbin, it was evident that Troy was still in love with this woman, despite her failing to show for their wedding. He blamed all his misfortune on his wife, Bathsheba and he bullied her into feeling that she was to blame. The death of Troy was a blessing in disguise as she would have been sad for all her days and would not have ended up married to Oak. All in all, I feel that Bathsheba deserved to be happy, as she was an honest, hard working woman who was independent and capable. I think she was genuinely sorry for the Valentines card to Boldwood. She finally does find happiness in Oak and realises his companionship and true love is what she has wanted all her life. I think Gabriel Oak certainly was the right man for her as, like his name suggests, he was angelic, solid and dependable. This was evident when he stays by her, and by his actions on the night of the storm when he and Bathsheba worked together to cover the crops. It is evident they are in love when they cast eyes upon each other and fail to remove them for a few seconds, showing mutual unspoken understanding and purpose.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Chemistry of BHA and BHT Food Preservatives
Chemistry of BHA and BHT Food Preservatives Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and the related compound butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are phenolic compounds that are often added to foods to preserve fats and oils and keep them from becoming rancid. They are added to food, cosmetics, and packing of products that contain fats to maintain nutrient levels, color, flavor, and odor. BHT is also sold as a dietary supplement for use as an antioxidant. The chemicals are found in an extensive list of products, yet there is concern about their safety. Take a look at the chemical properties of these molecules, how they work, and why their use is controversial. BHA Characteristics BHA is a mixture of the isomers 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole and 2-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole. Also known as BOA, tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole, (1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methoxyphenol, tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol, antioxyne B, and under various trade namesMolecular formula C11H16O2White or yellowish waxy solidFaint characteristic aromatic odor BHT Characteristics Also known as 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene; methyl-di-tert-butyl phenol; 2,6-di-tert-butyl-para-cresolMolecular formula C15H24OWhite powder How Do They Preserve Food? BHA and BHT are antioxidants. Oxygen reacts preferentially with BHA or BHT rather than oxidizing fats or oils, thereby protecting them from spoilage. In addition to being oxidizable, BHA and BHT are fat-soluble. Both molecules are incompatible with ferric salts. In addition to preserving foods, BHA and BHT are also used to preserve fats and oils in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. What Foods Contain BHA and BHT? BHA is generally used to keep fats from becoming rancid. It is also used as a yeast de-foaming agent. BHA is found in butter, meats, cereals, chewing gum, baked goods, snack foods, dehydrated potatoes, and beer. It is also found in animal feed, food packaging, cosmetics, rubber products, and petroleum products. BHT also prevents oxidative rancidity of fats. It is used to preserve food odor, color, and flavor. Many packaging materials incorporate BHT. It is also added directly to shortening, cereals, and other foods containing fats and oils. Are BHA and BHT Safe? Both BHA and BHT have undergone the additive application and review process required by the US Food and Drug Administration. However, the same chemical properties which make BHA and BHT excellent preservatives may also be implicated in health effects. The research leads to conflicting conclusions. The oxidative characteristics and/or metabolites of BHA and BHT may contribute to carcinogenicity or tumorigenicity; however, the same reactions may combat oxidative stress and help detoxify carcinogens. Some studies indicate low doses of BHA are toxic to cells, while higher doses may be protective, while other studies yield exactly the opposite results. There is evidence that certain persons may have difficulty metabolizing BHA and BHT, resulting in health and behavior changes. Yet, BHA and BHT may have antiviral and antimicrobial activities. Research is underway concerning the use of BHT in the treatment of herpes simplex and AIDS. References and Additional Reading This is a fairly long list of online references. While the chemistry and effectiveness of BHA, BHT, and other additives within food is straightforward, the controversy surrounding health effects is hot, so several points of view are available. Adverse Effects of Some Inactive Ingredients - Summary of health effects reported for dyes and preservatives, including food colors, BHA, BHT, sodium benzoate, nitrates, nitrites, and monosodium glutamate.Chemical Cuisine: CSPIs Guide to Food Additives - This site includes a glossary, explanation of cancer testing, alphabetical listing of additives, and a list of additives that have been banned.Common Food Additives - CNN In-Depth provides this chart listing additives and their chemistry, uses, common products containing the additives, and reported side effects.Fresh Look at Food Preservatives - Judith E. Foulke provides an overview of the preservative use and regulation, she specifically discusses BHA, BHT, and sulfites.Chemical Sensitivity Homepage - This site discusses the inability of damaged nervous tissue to metabolize specific toxins.The Feingold Association of the United States - The Feingold Association provides extensive information about the effects of petroleum-derived ad ditives and salicylates (both natural and synthetic) on the behavior/health of susceptible persons.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Five Tips for Writing a Travel Series
Five Tips for Writing a Travel Series Travel writing is considered one of the more glamorous writing gigs. After all, what could be better than getting paid to travel? While the reality is a bit more mundane (generally low pay, tight deadlines, viciously competitive markets) it’s still a load of fun. With the advent of travel blogs, more and more writers are expanding their experiences from single features to longer series. This allows you to focus on various aspects of a destination in different posts and tell a longer story arc. Here are five tips to writing an online travel series. These also work well for print features. 1. You don’t have to start at the beginning: While your journey has a beginning, middle, and end, you aren’t writing a novel. You don’t have to open your series with your arrival. This is usually your worst part of the trip anyway, so why inflict it on your reader? Instead, draw them in with a scene that brings the destination to life, such as when Rolf Potts started his series about going on a Star Trek cruise with the moment everyone discovered he wasn’t a fan of the show. Very rarely are the beginnings of a journey exciting, although my ten-hour drive across the desert to Somaliland made for a good opener. That time, and that time only, the start had excitement, color, vivid experiences, and a bit of danger. The rest of my trips have opened with me jetlagged and grumpy at some foreign airport. 2. Don’t forget that what’s normal to you is new to your reader: As we get accustomed to a new place, we begin to forget the little details that make for a great story. The best photo I never took in Iraq was of my driver eating hummus at a roadside restaurant as a sheep watched him from just outside the window. When I saw this I smiled and thought, â€Å"Appetizer and main course!†What I should have done was take a picture. That juxtaposition wasn’t unusual for me anymore, but I bet my readers would have gotten a good laugh out of it. Well, maybe not the vegetarians. 3. You don’t have to be a good photographer: I’m a mediocre photographer, and yet I’ve sold hundreds of photographs to print and online publications. How? I go to interesting places and take lots of pictures. It’s that simple. 4. Mix short and long pieces: Short, punchy pieces accompanied 5. The story is rarely about you: There are two types of traveler- those who describe the places they’ve been, and those who talk about how they went to a bunch of places. The first person is informative and interesting; the other is a boring braggart. While it’s your journey, you aren’t the most interesting thing about it. The people you meet and the things you see are. Leave yourself out of the picture unless it’s really, truly part of the story. There is very little about me in my series on living in Harar, Ethiopia. When I visited the little-known Argobba tribe, or interviewed a traditional healer, I let them speak for themselves. In my post about meeting a nine-year-old refugee from Syria, however, my reactions were an important part of the story. A monk examines a medieval illustrated manuscript at his monastery on Lake Tana, Ethiopia. (copyright Sean McLachlan) Marsh Arab children in southern Iraq. (copyright Sean McLachlan)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Human Resource Management Practices in China and the UK Essay
Human Resource Management Practices in China and the UK - Essay Example This essay aims to identify, discuss and evaluate the national differences in HRM practices and views between China and the UK, based on the findings across numerous literature sources. An effective use of knowledge that was obtained in the study will enable to understand how companies of these two countries can manage diverse workforce and how it is better to handle the diverse employees. With the openness of boarders, companies across the world have started to pay more concerns as to what factors affected the abilities of nations and the business to better adapt to the new economic and social changes in order to be more achievement-oriented. Thus, different national cultures appeared to have different HRM implications, which are the integral part of each company’s striving to gain a competitive edge. However, one of the challenges that organizations collide with during the globalization of their operations is the adaptation of HR practices to the new and different cultures and the creation of operation manners to suit both comfortable and appropriate to the organization and those cultures. This challenge is central for all multinational organizations The globalization has created greater numbers of areas in business, where the wide variety of cultures is represented in their workforce. With an attempt to treat each culture differently and with respect, there appeared practical issues in doing business, such as need to take into account the various religious and secular holidays and the official language of the workforce
Friday, November 1, 2019
Preparation of Business Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Preparation of Business Plan - Assignment Example However, it is possible for more successes to be reached in new entrants because the target segments of customers in the travel agency market in Singapore vary a lot. By focusing on some potential business opportunities witnessed in the Singaporean tourist market, business investors can expect to achieve pleasing business successes. The name of the travel agency to be started is Enjoy life to the fullest. As is indicated in the words included in the name of the travel agency to be started in Singapore, the major values proposed for operating the businesses are facilitating in the process for people to enjoy their life as much as possible by going on interesting trips to the different tourist attractions in Singapore. Instead of passively following the arrangements made by the travel agency in the form of tour trips, the travel agency to be started will emphasize on the participation of the tourists in making an optimal tourist plan for achieving their expected tourist purposes in Singapore. Under the competitive business environment of the travel agency industry sector in the current times, inspiring the tourists to take part in the process of making the practical and detailed tourist plans would enable the customers to enjoy their trips to their selected tourist attractions on more occasions. The competitive a dvantages of the travel agency to be started in this business plan will be expected to be improved compared with the business rivals in the Singaporean tourist market. In addition to that, the travel agency to be started in Singapore will also focus on providing more considerate services to cater for the needs of reaching smooth communication in the process of offering tourist services for the customers from different countries. Interpreters that can speed different languages used in different countries of the world will be employed as service staffs to help reach a smooth communication with the tourists from different places of the world. That
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Business Ethics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Business Ethics - Article Example In court, Sergeant Brash provided evidence on how he tried to contact the mortgage company, PHH Mortgage. One arm of the company kept sending him late payment notices while the other arm kept refusing his automatic payments. His attorney sued the mortgage company under Georgia and federal laws. Sergeant Brash had taken out the mortgage in November, 2007. The court has finally made a judgment on the case and awarded Brash $21 million dollars. 2. Did PHH Mortgage as a business have any good defense that could oppose the sergeant's suit?. It is the eighth largest mortgage company in the United States and in this case it was pursuing a military man. It could be suggested that PHH Mortgage was doing all it can to maximize profit in favor of the open and free market that is unregulated. Another view would be that it was following a trend of the market, which at this time is to simply move people out of their homes. 3. What is the moral issue involved? Could the Sergeant pay for the home? Y es. It appears there was some duplicity involved on behalf of PHH Mortgage. Rawl's theory of distributive or contractual justice would have people hide behind a "veil of ignorance" to make decisions giving to all the most extensive basic rights of liberty.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The economist expectation on inflation in Malaysia
The economist expectation on inflation in Malaysia Inflation in Malaysia is expected to remain low for the rest of this year due to weak exports and softer domestic demand. Malaysia is now experienced a deflationary pressure. Deflation is defined as a persistent fall in the average level of prices in the economy. In this case Malaysia is categorised as having a bad deflation. Bad deflation finds it source in the demand side of the economy. As the export trade and softer domestic demand is low due to lower oil and commodity prices, this will cause aggregate demand (AD) to decrease. A fall in AD will result in a decrease in the price level and a decrease in real output. Please refer to the diagram below. Diagram 1: Decrease in AD due to weak exports and softer domestic demand in Malaysia. Diagram 1 above illustrates the bad deflation situation. From the diagram above, we can see that AD shift to the left to AD1. A fall in the aggregate demand (AD) will result in a decrease in the price level from P1 to P2, and a decrease in real output from Y1 to Y2 . When there is less demand, businesses makes less profit or even loss. The producers need to cut down their cost of production by cutting down supply and lay off worker. Therefore, the level of unemployment will rise. This will affect economy badly. If more people are unemployed, their real income is low, thus their purchasing power will decrease, there will be even less consumption. This is proven from the article where it state that consumer price index [1] (CPI) in Malaysia dropped from more than 8% inflation in 2008 to two consecutive months to 2.4% in July 2009. This will lower the GDP (growth domestic product) level. Furthermore, the amount of investment from investor rely highly on their expectation of the economy climate for the future, if the consumer demand showing no improvement in the future, business confidence is likely to be low. Investor will refuse to invest in our country. This has negative implication for future economic growth. Deflation brought many impact on the producers, consumers and also the economy itself. In the situation of bad deflation, producer will faced with the risk generating low profit. This is because when the demand is low, it causes the price of product also low, they would not gain much profit and to ensure them not too loss too much, they will cut down the supply to increase the price back. They also tend to decrease the number of workers to save their cost of production. The consequences, of the producers actions are faced by consumers. When they are fired, their real income will remain low, hence, could not buy good as much as they want. Its indicates their purchasing power is low. And this illustrates the standard of living also at low level. Diagram 2: A decrease in AD and real output. These situations affect the economy badly. As we can see, in the Diagram 2, when the demand decreases from AD to AD1, price will also decrease (from P1 to P2) resulted in decreasing amount of real output from Y1 to Y2. To survive, producers tend to lay out workers to cut down cost of production. The unemployment level will increase. In the economy it is not good to have high level of unemployment as it will lower down the societys standard of living. Economic growth will decrease and economic development will be halted. From the explanation above, Malaysia should take immediate action to overcome bad deflation problems. Government could take actions such as by increasing the demand from consumer and increasing the aggregate supply. To increase AD, producers could promote their product by advertising or by giving a discount. The producer also could increase their workers income, as it can make them more motivated to works and produce high quality of product that meet the consumers taste. In a way, this could increase the aggregate supply (AS) as well. Government also could change to expansionary fiscal policy where it could encourage greater consumption by lowering income taxes to increase disposal income. Another way is by lowering the corporate tax so that firm could enjoy higher after-tax profit. The chances of them to lay off worker will be decrease. Therefore, the rate of unemployment will decrease. This is the best solution after all. (750 WORDS) ABSTRACT This article is about the economist expectation on inflation in Malaysia. They expected that inflation in Malaysia to remain low. There are several factors that contribute to this condition. First, it is due to weak exports and softer domestic demand because of lower oil and commodity prices. This condition is called deflation. There are two category of deflation; good deflation and bad deflation. As one of the Asia country, Malaysia experienced bad deflation. A fall in aggregate demand will result in a decrease in price level and a decrease in real output. If real output decreases, then it is assumed that the level of unemployment will rise, as firms will need fewer workers if there is less demand. Asian country has come out with several ways to overcome this problem. However due to some weaknesses. Only one method, which is investment liberalisation, would be the effective method in order to revitalized Malaysias economy and helps increasing the inflation rate.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Operation Iraqi Freedom Essay -- International Politics
OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM Introduction On March 20, 2003, the combined military forces of the United States and Britain crossed the southern border of Iraq and Kuwait with the intent of capitulating the government of Saddam Hussein. Over the course of 21 days, the joint task force moved quickly and decisively to seize major objective cities along the road to Baghdad using aviation, armor, artillery, and infantry. Following the overwhelming success of the primary combat operations of the invasion, stability and support systems proved insufficient as sectarian violence and other criminal activity among the local population of Iraq increased. History In ancient times, Iraq was known by the Greek term Mesopotamia, or the land between two rivers. These two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, formed what was known as the â€Å"Fertile Crescent.†The vast stretch of low level land retained rain and flood water, making the soil exceptional for farming, thus it is said to be the cradle of civilization. It was home to the Sumerian Empire, beginning around 4000BC, long before Egypt, Greece, or Rome were known to have sophisticated societies. Agriculture, mathematics, literature, and the earliest forms of government were all established in this region. (1) Conflict has also been a significant part of Iraqi history since the Akkadian wars of 2340 BC. The rise of the Babylonian dynasty in 1700 BC gave way to the Assyrian dynasty in 1340 BC. The Assyrians were eventually overthrown in the seventh century BC by the Persian Empire of Alexander the Great. (2) The Arabs conquered the region in the early expansion of Islam in the eighth century AD, followed by the Mongol invasion in 1258. The last of the great dynasties to rule th... ...raq. References 1. (Arabic Media) Site 1997-2011, 2. CRS Report for Congress, 17 February, 1998, 3. UN Security Council Resolution 687, 8 April 1991, 4. UN Security Council Resolution 1441, S/RES/1441, 8 November 2002, PP 3, 5. Gordon, Micheal, R., Cobra II; The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq, Pantheon Books, New York, 2006 6. Keegan, John, The Iraq War, Alfred A. Knopf, 2004 7. Purdum, Todd, S., and the staff of the New York Times, A Time of Our Choosing; America’s War in Iraq, Times Books, 2003 8. Trainor, Bernard, E., Cobra II; The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq, Pantheon Books, New York, 2006
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Journal of Woe Essay
The pain was excruciating as I struggled to fight for my life under the pillow that my beloved husband had forced upon me. I remember how much it hurts as I tried to gasp for air beneath Othello’s powerful arms. I can recall those murderous eyes driven mad by jealousy and hate. For an instant, I failed to recognize the man I have fought to love. I cannot recognize that man I secretly married despite my father’s objections. For a moment, I failed to see the man who promised to love me for the rest of our lives. It all started that fateful night when Othello fired Michael Cassio from his lieutenant position. He accused me of sleeping with Cassio. The jealousy was probably most triggered when he felt that I was being too concerned with Cassio’s situation. He must have thought that my acts in favor of Cassio’s defense were signs of affection for him. He accused me of giving Cassio the handkerchief which was a gift from him. There is no way I would have given such a valuable gift to someone else! My love and affection is undividedly offered for Othello. It does not seek other men aside from him. My fidelity to my marriage and to my husband is pure and untainted. How could he even dare think of me with such immorality! However, it was too late to defend myself further, for the fire in his eyes was already consumed with too much evil to pay any heed to my cries. Yet, before death consumed what was left of my body, the image of the man I love came before my eyes. I forgive him. He is a victim and not a murderer. I know in his heart that he loves me still, and once this madness brought about by his jealousy ends, he would repent and ask for forgiveness. Or, he might end his life as well to follow me, so he can make it up to me personallyâ€â€and I will be waiting on the other side.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Leaders Who Changed Society Essay
All around the world, leaders and philosophers have changed nations and regions with their ideas and beliefs. Two of these people were John Locke and Mohandas Gandhi. John Locke believed the every person had natural rights, which were the right to life, liberty, and property and these rights could never be taken away. Mohandas Gandhi believed that violence was no the answer to problems, but peaceful protesting was, and so he was able to bring independence to India. Heir beliefs have changed societies for the better. John Locke was born on August 29, 1632 in Wrington, Somerset, England. He was an English philosopher who unlike other philosophers had a more positive view of human nature. He believed that all humans have the potential to do good in society. One belief that Locke had that has shaped society was his belief of natural rights. He believed that all humans are born free and equal, with three natural rights, the right to live, liberty, and the right to own property. This belief has shaped the governments everywhere. Societies with a democracy follow these laws and they are given to every individual and it can’t be taken way. Places like the United States follows natural rights and it is given to everyone. Another person whose ideas changed society was Mohandas Gandhi. He was born on October 2, 1869. He was a political and spiritual leader during the movement for India’s independence. He believed in non-violence and believed that every person was equal, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background and they should all be treated the same way. Before coming to India to protest against British rule, he was a lawyer in South Africa. When he returned to India in 1914, he protested British rule. Gandhi didn’t use brute force, but peaceful protests against the British. He got arrested many times for this. One of his most famous acts of defiance was the Salt March on March 12, 1930. Gandhi and the oppressed stopped buying British goods. One of these goods was salt. What they did was go to the ocean and get their own salt to defy the British. The British violently reacted and attacked them. This caused outrage all over the world and British goods were neglected by everyone. This forced the British to give India their independence. These two people have changed societies with their beliefs. John Locke’s belief of natural rights shaped governments. Mohandas Gandhi’s belief of non-violence led to the independence of India. They both helped change society for the better.
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