Sunday, May 24, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
A Place For Call Home Intellectual Disabilities And...
â€Å"A Place to Call Home: Intellectual Disabilities and Residential Services in Nova Scotia,†is an article written by Rachel Barken (PH.D Candidate) from the Department of Sociology at McMaster University. This article is about how Nova Scotia still continues to institutionalize people with intellectual disabilities when other provinces across Canada are working on deinstitutionalizing. Provinces in Canada are moving towards the approach of community living based group homes for people with intellectual disabilities. Barken (2013) based this article on participant observation, document analysis, and qualitative research. She discovered that implicated community members which include policy makers, residential service providers and workers, and advocates have conflicting beliefs about institutionalized and community living based group homes that could be slowing the process down of still have institutions in Nova Scotia. (Barken, 2013) Barken mentions that according to the 2008 Report of Residential Services, over seven hundred Nova Scotians with disabilities are segregated in institutional settings. Institutions that house people with a combination of physical and intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses are referred to as Adult Residential Centres (ARCs) or Regional Rehabilitation Centres (RRCs). (Barken, 2013) Barker cites from the DCS written in 2008 that there are seven institutions or ARCs and RRCs part of a continuum of residential services in Nova Scotia.Show MoreRelatedOut Patient Mental Health Facility Essay986 Words  | 4 PagesOut-patient mental health facility Resources for Human Development (RHD) is a national human services nonprofit founded in 1970. The company currently oversees and supports more than 160 programs in 14 states. The programs fall under the following categories: Intellectual Disabilities, Behavioral Health, Addiction Recovery, Homelessness, Women Children, Family Health Counseling, Youth Development, Returning Citizens, Economic Development, Employment Training, Veterans, Nonprofit Incubator,Read MoreCritical Evaluation Of A Hospital Provider Of Intensive Residential Services For Adult With Intellectual Disabilities1875 Words  | 8 PagesHeart Havens is Richmond’s premier provider of intensive residential services for adult with intellectual disabilities. Heart Haven’s mission is to empower, follow core values of respect, integrity, empathy and accountability. Heart Havens have a total of eleven homes nestled in great neighborhoods all across Virginia. The residents of these homes are encouraged to l ive as independently, and exclusively amongst their neighbors as possible. The residents are also supported with transportation needsRead MoreAging Is Unavoidable For Humans Essay4378 Words  | 18 Pages(Callister, Badkar Didham, 2011). Thus, it is important to consider the problems and have new innovative ideas to effectively manage the collaboration in health services, quality and safety, health workforce and new technologies to make this task easier. The aim of this paper is to discuss the integration and collaboration between health services in aged care facilities, the health workforce challenges within aged care facilities. Moreover how this impacts the quality and safety. The introduction of ICTRead MoreCaring For Children And Young People4070 Words  | 17 Pageschildren and young people may need to be looked after away from their families. There are a variety of reasons why children can become looked after they can be looked after a foster carer or put into a children’s home because they could of suffered from abuse, loss of a parent, disability etc. Suspected abuse: There are four types of abuse that a child can experience, Physical, sexual, emotional and neglect. Physical abuse is when someone e.g. mother, father or sibling hurts a child continuouslyRead MoreCornerstone Services Residential Group Homes2115 Words  | 9 PagesProblem Cornerstone Services residential group homes currently house 65 intellectually disabled individuals who are being tracked for self-harm and have been resistant to treatment (Behavioral Tracking). Several behavioral and medication therapies have been implemented, however, the detrimental behavior has persisted. This leads to the need for one to one supervision and other restricting interventions. Self-injurious behavior (SIB) is a persistent problem in the intellectually disabled communityRead MoreLearning Disabilities Assignment5424 Words  | 22 Pagesï » ¿Learning Disabilities Assignment 1. Identify legislation and policies that are designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities One of the main causes of discrimination is the fear and lack of understanding of others because they are different. In order to prevent discrimination it is important to value people and treat them differently in order to meet their different needs. The legislation and policies that are designedRead MoreSpecial Education Needs3359 Words  | 14 Pagesdefinition of SEN according to the 1996 Education act is, a child has special educational needs if he/she has a learning difficulty which calls for special educational requirements to be made for them (Farrell, 2003). A child is said to have a learning difficulty if they have a considerably greater struggle in learning than most children of the same age and they have a disability which prevents or stops from making full use of their educational facilities provided for children of the same age in schools withinRead MoreOlder Clients Essay8017 Words  | 33 Pagesenvironment: a) What is the difference between a hostel and a nursing home? A Hostel is for residents with low care needs and a Nursing Home offers high care for residents requiring more intensive care. b) Differentiate between nd identify the classifications of clients you might find in each. Hostel Care – (Low Care) Low Carel accommodation is primarily for people who find it very difficult to live at home and who require assistance with personal care and daily living tasks. ARead MoreA Jerney in to the Deaf World15812 Words  | 64 Pageshearing or Deaf. Often to hearing parents they view that child as having a disability. To Deaf parents, however, would prefer having a Deaf child. A Deaf baby in a Deaf household means the Deaf heritage of the family will go on. They are proud of their Deaf genealogy. They view, like most parents , that their child is a reflection of themselves. A DEAF CHILD BORN TO DEAF PARENTS The Deaf parents already have a home that functions as an environment conducive to using vision as the main meansRead MoreInclusive Education3595 Words  | 15 Pagesstrengthening the capacity of the education system to reach out to all learners, irrespective of their abilities, disabilities, ethnicity, gender and age, and receives quality education. The purpose of the study is to ensure that all children gain access to quality education that will prepare them to contribute to country’s progress. Recommendations to send children with disabilities to mainstream schools were first made in the Sargent Report in 1944 and thereafter the Government of India has created
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Credit Card Theft Is Not For Hard Working Consumers...
No matter what precautions are taken, credit and debit card fraud will remain an enemy to hard working consumers everywhere. Credit card thieves can use a variety of methods to attack the consumer. ATMs can be used to steal information from a debit card transaction. Online predators can steal credit card information through a click of a button. Stores can also be targeted through the use of data mining in the magnetic card readers. Persistent consumer vigilance is needed if credit card theft is to be avoided. ATM machines with exorbitant fees have been thought to be acting as highway robbers, now they may even have a thieving companion; Card scanners. By stealing the information off the credit card as it is swiped the consumer is not even aware they have been attacked. Even if the consumer is careful to hide their hand as they enter the PIN in order to withdraw money from an ATM, the larcenist might still have a hidden camera or card reader to steal the card information. Erin Lowry, a content director for a popular magazine was a victim of two different attacks on her credit identity; she had $600 stolen from her account after using a shady ATM with a hidden scanner inside. The use of a low security ATM is a consumer error, but with everyday stresses sometimes common sense is abandoned in place of convenience. Larcenists will place these scanners inside ATM’s located in low socioeconomic areas with the intent to instantly copy the card numbers onto an embedded micro storageShow Mor eRelatedElectronic Theft : A Victim s Credit Score And Peace Of Mind Essay2091 Words  | 9 Pagesidentification, credit or even a mortgage, you become a victim of identity theft. This crime is devastating to a victim’s credit score and peace of mind. Illinois ranked fifth among states in the number of identity complaints reported to the Consumer Sentinel, a database developed and maintained by the Federal Trade Commission. Identity theft involves a thief, a victim, law enforcement, and identity theft affidavit that will help you report the information. All crimes such as rape and auto theft have someRead MoreData Breach3986 Words  | 16 PagesIn today’s digital world, most Americans leave long electronic trails of private information wherever they go. But too often, that data is compromised. When they shopâ€â€whether online or at brick and mortar storesâ€â€retailers gain access to their credit card numbers. Medical institutions maintain patient records, which are increasingly electronic. Corporations store copious customer lists and employee Social Security numbers. These types of data frequently get loose. Hackers gain entry to improperlyRead MoreAustralian Personal Property Securities Laws Essay3186 Words  | 13 Pageswhich encourage consumers and producers to â€Å"conveniently †¦ raise finance †¦on the security of such property†[2] which encourage investment which in turn leads to the creation of wealth. The old PPS laws are majorly derived from 19th century legislation borrowed from the common Law of England[3]. The main modernising legislation is Article 9 the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)[4] of the United States . As in the USA, there is a need to reduce the costs associated with the Consumer Credit Code. The UCCRead MoreProject Proposal for E-Commerce Site4703 Words  | 19 PagesIntroduction 1.1 Introduction In 1990 Tim Berners Lee a professor developed the World Wide Web server, and it opened for commercial use in 1991. In 1994 there were several advancements that took place such as online banking offered by Stanford Federal Credit Union to all its members and the online Pizza Shop by Pizza Hut. In the same year, Netscape introduced SSL encryption of data transmitted online, which has become essential for secure online shopping. This was the renaissance of new ways of doingRead MoreComputers Have Become A Necessity Of Human Life3038 Words  | 13 Pagesthe Internet. The Internet makes it even easier to share medical advances and even family memories, among other things. Computers that once filled huge rooms are now basically in our pockets and on our desks. Even little computers the size of a credit card or even smaller are way more powerful than the first computers. With all of these advances in technology there comes the people and organized groups that wish to ruin it for the rest of us. There are possible risks to keeping personal informationRead MoreTechnology Advances, Hackers Get Even Smarter1918 Words  | 8 Pagesopens up a door to the realm of vulnerability to cyber-attacks. Hackers have successfully found breaches in the security of laptops and other computers it’s only a matter of time before they master the computers in automobiles. Scientists should be working with these automobile companies to fix the loop holes in their security before malicious hackers find them. I. INTRODUCTION It’s difficult to explain when the first computer was introduced because of the many different classificationsRead MoreAccounts Receivable and Information6187 Words  | 25 Pagesordering, receiving, and temporarily storing merchandise that is going to be sold to Samp;S customers. b. Samp;S does not manufacture any goods, thus its operations activities consists of displaying merchandise for sale and protecting it from theft. c. Outbound logistics includes delivering the products to the customer. d. Sales amp; marketing includes ringing up and processing all sales transactions and advertising products to increase sales. e. Service includes repairs, periodicRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Information Systems9488 Words  | 38 Pagesinformation systems meaning explaining the differences of computer literacy and information literacy. We know that computer literacy is defined as a person who is very skilled in using microsoft word, excel, powerpoint, outlook, etc. Computers are everywhere among us to use for personal daily lives. They are used for students to do their personal homework, grading for exams, evaluations, and can even can calculate your grade point averages which all this information can be delivered. Computers alsoRead MoreCostco External Analysis Essay6962 Words  | 28 Pagesdue to slightly higher average amounts spent by consumers as well as higher gas prices. In 2008, Costco operated at a 10.53% gross margin, up slightly from 10.52% in 2007 due to 0.24% increase in sales higher margin categories, primarily food and sundries. 2.0 Company History Founded by James Sinegal and Jeffrey Brotman, Costco opened its first warehouse in Seattle, Washington, on September 15, 1983. Sinegal had started in retailing by working for Sol Price at both FedMart and Price Club. BrotmanRead MoreVb Sof 54012008 Words  | 49 PagesSOF640 E-Commerce Final Exam True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____ 1. Transferring funds, placing orders, sending invoices, and shipping goods to customers are all types of activities or transactions. ____ 2. Business-to-consumer electronic commerce occurs when a person sells an item through a Web auction site to another person. ____ 3. An airline ticket is an excellent example of an item with a high value-to-weight ratio. ____ 4. Electronic commerce reduces the speed and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Film And The Band Played On The Aids Crisis - 988 Words
The film And the Band Played On illustrates the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. In 1981, Dr. Don Francis notices an increase in deaths due to an illness among gay men in cities. As the number of deaths rapidly grows, Dr. Francis is forced to do his work with little money and outdated equipment as he tries to find possible causes of this rapidly spreading disease. Doctors, the Center for Disease Control, and citizens try to figure out if the disease is spread sexually, through blood or bodily secretions. The film And the Band Played On shows the reaction from the government, the Center for Disease Control, and normal citizens of the United States when this mysterious disease emerges. For example, in 1985 hysteria broke out across Queens when the New York City Board of Education announced that children with AIDS could attend public schools with healthy children. Parents protested against this in fears their children may contract this deadly disease with no known cause. Parents believed that their parental instinct and community control should trump what little known information about the disease that the NYC Board of Education was using. This event is described in Jennifer Brier’s article â€Å"‘Save Our Kids, Keep AIDS Out’: Anti-AIDS Activism and the Legacy of Community Control in Queens, New York†. At the end of this article and the film, citizens gain a better understanding for this disease and how it is transmitted. As hysteria broke out in Districts 27 and 29 of Queens, parentsShow MoreRelatedFilm And The Band Played On By Roger Spottiswoode Essay1682 Words  | 7 PagesWhat are the major theme(s) of the film? Hint use the concepts presented in class to guide your answer. Provide examples to demonstrate meaning. (6 marks) In the film And the Band Played On by Roger Spottiswoode, the major themes revealed throughout the film is the lack of participation from the governments behalf on this epidemic, divisional of private and public sectors and medical dominance between medical researchers. In this epidemic outbreak the government showed a lack of insensitivity towardsRead MoreFilm Critique Paper: and the Band Played on1627 Words  | 7 PagesFilm Critique Paper And the Band Played On The movie is about the first couple years of AIDS, mostly in the United States. It tells the political as well as the scientific struggle that occurred with the discovery of AIDS. The main character Dr. Don Francis heads the research of AIDS with little money and little help. This was because AIDS was considered the â€Å"gay man’s disease†and there was more emphasis on who discovered the disease than actually helping those who had it. Basically, theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Band Played On 1261 Words  | 6 PagesINSERT SURNAME 1 Author Tutor Course Date Words I Never Said And the Band Played on is a movie that illustrated the AIDs crisis in the 1980s and the early 1990s. The movie did touch on subjects concerning the reaction of the gay community, the heterosexual community, and the medical community. It shows not only the AIDs research but also how the US government dealt with it (Curran, 56). The movie shows the consequences the gay community experienced, the plight of the medical community in investigatingRead MoreWorld Trade Center a True Story of Courage and Survival a Movie Critique Re-Plan of Action1193 Words  | 5 PagesStep 4 - Equip personnel and country with nuclear fall out protection training. `This film was based on the lives of two port authority officers John McLoughlin, played by Nicolas Cage and Will Jimeno, played by Michael Peà ±a. They were numbers 18 and 19 of the total 20 survivors found onsite in the rubble. This true story was written by Andrea Berloff and directed by Oliver Stone. Survival skills and crisis response occurred between the two officers recovered from the disaster. Will Jimeno hadRead MoreHow Music Has Impacted My Life Essay1524 Words  | 7 PagesMusic has always played an important role in my life. Even as a student of film, I tell stories inspired by song lyrics, for the words, rhythms, and instruments of rock music have impacted my life to an unimaginable extent. Whenever I edit video, the underscore is vital. When I write a script, there s a poetic sound, a lyricism to the dialogue. I would not even be here in Los Angeles if not for artists such as Courtney Love and Jared Leto, who cross boundaries between music and film. In particularRead MoreDr. Gallo And The Band Played On Essay2087 Words  | 9 PagesAnd the Band Played On surprised me with its intricate character development. I found myself becoming attached to characters and heartbroken as I found they had contracted the HIV virus and made me root for research to find a vaccine or cure. Out of the characters presented in the film, I decided to focus on two main ones: Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Don Francis. These two characters stood out because they were so contrasting to one another. I also felt myself becoming angry at these characters andRead MoreMusic as a Stress Reliever1339 Words  | 5 PagesTrip to Coontown†was produced, written, organized and performed by African Americans, followed by many more productions. Musical theater’s strongest comedy years were the 1920s and 30s when shows such as â€Å"Ok, Kay!†, â€Å"Funny Face†, â€Å"Strike up the Band†, and â€Å"Anything Goes†were released. In the 1960s rock Musicals became incredibly successful such as â€Å"Hair†, which used modern lighting such as strobe lights and including mature contents such as sex and drugs (Encyclopedia Britannica). Today musicalsRead MoreEssay about Three Approaches to Coping with School Violence2647 Words  | 11 Pagesfirst is a solution firmly fixed within the context of â€Å"crisis management†(and there are many schools in which vio- lence has already created a lot of crises that need man- aging); the second is a long-term solution for which all teachersâ€â€not just English teachersâ€â€need to take responsibility; and the third is lodged firmly within the domain of the English curriculum in particular. Crisis Management The crisis management solution has to do with strategies of surveillanceRead MoreThe 1930s Essays2163 Words  | 9 Pagessound and that a new era of prosperity was just about to begin, many factories closed, unemployment steadily increased, banks failed in growing numbers, and the prices of commodities steadily fell. The administration began to take steps to combat the crisis. Among the measures taken were the granting of emergency appropriations for farm relief and public works, modification of the rules of the Federal Reserve System to make it easier for people in business and farming to obtain credit, and the establishmentRead MoreThe Impact of Technology on the Music Industry: a Study Into How Organisations Adapt in a Rapidly Evolving Business Environment7559 Words  | 31 Pagesorganisations adapt in a rapidly evolving business environment Profile - Sam Ford from UK Indie band One Night Only. The Group have recorded a top 10 hit on the Top 40 UK Singles Chart in 2008 from their debut album â€Å"Started a Fire†. From your debut album Started a Fire, you had a top 10 hit with â€Å"Just For Tonight†. What did it take you to get to the point? How did you market and promote your band to get to this point, did it start from how much of it was your own promotion and how did your record
Americans Eat More Than Required Free Essays
According to The Journal Of the American Medical Association JAM), †More than one-third of adults and 17% of youth in the United States are obese†¦ †(Ogden, Carroll, Kit, and Flea) So why do we as Americans eat more than the usual human being? From personal opinion I believe it is all the resources and opportunities we have to constantly eat. There are vending machines everywhere, food vendors every†here, restaurants everywhere, food trucks everywhere, it is almost if our world revolved around eating. On top of that we like to get out moneys worth, so it constantly pushes restaurants to serve more food. We will write a custom essay sample on Americans Eat More Than Required or any similar topic only for you Order Now Know when eat I usually eat what is on my late whether its a lot or a little, tend to finish. Working in the restaurant industry I see the same. Our portions tend to be about 8 ounces of meat and another 10-12 ounces worth of sides. That is a lot of food to put down in one sitting. Most people do it though. Very few people ever ask for a take out box. This paper is not about how all Americans are obese, but instead to inform the reader that we should not be eating as much. We should be eating smaller portions and more frequently. In today’s industry all the restaurants are offering healthier alternatives. McDonald’s is getting ready to rebind itself and lean more in a healthy way. That itself should show America that we need to observe what we eat. The JAM article states, â€Å"Overall, there have been no significant changes in obesity prevalence in youth or adults between 2003-2004 and 2011-2012. Obesity prevalence remains high and thus It is important to continue surveillance. (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, and Flea) It is something that if we instill in the children of America they will understand it at a young age and begin their habits right instead of overeating from a young age, †Obesity and childhood obesity, in particular, are the focus of many public health efforts in the United States. (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, and Gall) To conclude I would like to say that I am not the â€Å"ideal†in shape American, but I also do not fall i nto the 17% of the youth that is obese. How to cite Americans Eat More Than Required, Papers
Scarlet Letter And Scapegoats Essay Example For Students
Scarlet Letter And Scapegoats Essay In the novel, The Crucible, both scapegoats and vengeance play prominent roles. Abigail Williams exhibits both these characteristics. She committed the greatest of crimes. She destroyed the reputations of many and killed much of her surrounding society. Her power lied in the fact that judges believed her, making all those women who fell victim to her scapegoats. She is the one who triggers off a sense of hate in the play. She tempts John Proctor into lechery, and to escape punishment for dancing, she deflects the actions and blames them on someone else, and does not care how many lives she ruins. Later when she grows into power and influence, she seems to enjoy sending these innocent people to their deaths. Of course, the people she accuses are actually innocent, but she has the ability to manipulate people into believing that she is doing good. Reverend Hale, the witchcraft expert who initiates the problems in Salem, is positive about his belief that there are witches and feels that he carrying out the desires of God himself. Yet, as the play moves on, Hale notices that honest and good people are being sentenced and executed. Abigail lied to get some backing on her accusations by accusing two of the worst ladies in town of being witches, as well as the black slave from Barbados, Tituba. This was very believable, as these women held no social rank among the town. Vengeance is a quality that allows a person to want to seek revenge on another. This is typical of Abigail. She wanted John Proctor, and to get him, she was rounding up accusations of Elizabeth, his wife. Abigail was plotting to get Proctor, she was not just doing it out of the heat of passion, she had it in for his wife. She thought that it was the only thing that stood in her way. She was not going to stop until her death had been accomplished. Also in the play, many other names of towns-women were called out, accusing them of being witches, only for the fact that someone wanted to get revenge on the m. For the reasons I have described, the characters in The Crucible make and are made scapegoats, out of vengeance and hatred for them. English Essays
Monday, May 4, 2020
Examination of Cohesiveness Strategies
Question: Discuss about the Examination of Cohesiveness Strategies. Answer: Introduction: The patient having the capability to consent can decline the health care treatment even it contradicts the recommendation of the medical expert. The patient may at any time withdraw the consent either orally or by writing. The decision of the patient to withdraw the consent should be communicated to the medical practitioner (Scarborough et al., 2015). The decision of the patient should be respected. Whenever there is a withdrawal of consent, it is the responsibility of the nurse to: Checking whether the patient has ability to make an informed decision; Evaluating the understanding of the patient and considering issues related to health literacy or communication; Reasons that has lead the patient to make such decision should be explored; The other health care option that might be acceptable to the patient should be considered; The process of withdrawing consent by patient that has the capacity to make the decision are as follows: The consent should be orally either written or orally. The consequences of the decision should be discussed with the patient. The risk and the effect on the outcome is discussed with the patient. The patent has the option to obtain second opinion regarding the treatment form a different medical practitioner. It is important that the decision to withdraw consent should be for a specific treatment or procedure. The decision of the patient to withdraw consent should be properly documented along with the reason for such decisions. In case the patient is unable to make the decision then substitute decision maker can also decline the treatment. This decision should be evaluated and acted in a manner that the patient id making the decision (Cheema et al., 2014). Reference Cheema, B. S., Robergs, R. A., Askew, C. D. (2014). Exercise physiologists emerge as allied healthcare professionals in the era of non-communicable disease pandemics: a report from Australia, 20062012.Sports Medicine,44(7), 869-877. Scarborough, J., Eliott, J., Miller, E., Aylward, P. (2015). Equity in primary health care delivery: an examination of the cohesiveness of strategies relating to the primary healthcare system, the health workforce and hepatitis C.Australian Health Review,39(2), 175-182.
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