Thursday, September 3, 2020
Conflict Resolution Paper Essay
Individuals manage struggle each day and can pick how they handle the circumstance on their own terms. When managing a learning group in a school setting, one must rely on their colleagues to achieve their objectives. During the length of the course the group may experience gives that will neutralize them in getting their objectives, for example, absence of correspondence, individual interferences, absence of pledge to the next colleagues, and absence of duty to the task. At the point when these sorts of contentions emerge in the study hall the colleagues need to utilize certain peace making methods, utilize their individual qualities and in the end go to a choice as a group. The Conflict Now and again one may experience the non-participator in the gathering. The non-participator is one who disregards their duties to work with the group (Engleberg and Wynn, 2010). A learning group taking an interest in a course at University of Phoenix had a gathering paper that should have been finished. Notwithstanding, not all colleagues were effectively partaking. Most of the gathering needed to begin the task in week three except for one person. The gathering utilized each resourceâ€such as the learning group discussion, the telephone, and messages on their UOPX and individual record to contact the person. By the center of week three the group reached the educator to advise her about the need regarding correspondence. Two or after three days, the educator told the gathering that she had not gotten an answer from the missing colleague. The circumstance got basic to where the teacher needed to set aside some effort to contact enlistment to check whether the missing colleague had dropped the class. It worked out that the understudy was enlisted. The group was in a frenzy to make an alternate course of action to figure out who might get the missing member’s parcel. This put superfluous focus on the gathering in view of the absence of correspondence and investment. The day preceding the task was expected the missing colleague reached the gathering expressing that his segment would be put together by the morning of the due date. The late reaction was rude considering another individual from the gathering was going to begin the missing part, alongside finishing the last corrections. The gathering got a lower grade in light of the fact that the paper was deficient in meaningfulness and stream. The gathering was not satisfied with the outcomes. One more group venture was expected before the finish of the course, and the group would not like to experience a similar issue on the last task. The group returned to the learning group contract as a strategy for upholding the guidelines. Compromise Groups experience struggle inside and between groups. At the point when elite work groups experience strife, they handle it such that assists work with joining relations and advance positive change. Utilizing compelling peace making procedures is the most important goals for the group. The gathering concurred that positive procedures ought to be utilized. The main procedure is to comprehend the underlining underlying driver of the contention. Speaking with each other about the current issue permitted everybody to push ahead in a goals to the contention as a group. When the group consented to understanding what the issue was, the group concurred on a chance to be marked into a gathering conversation discussion to take a shot at the goals. Next, the group spoke with one another about the contention conversation point and concentrated on the thoughts brought fourth as opposed to who was introducing them. This center was significant on the grounds that it permitted the colleagues to feel certain with communicating singular issues and permitted individuals to look for different member’s perspectives (Belgard, Fisher, and Rayner, 1995). One of the most significant methods was taking part in listening effectively and sympathetically. By tuning in to different individuals the gathering could expand on the groups shared objectives and work through hard sentiments, which had been meddling with a relational relationship inside the group. At the point when struggle strategies are all around dealt with, an amazingly positive and beneficial impact can empower the group to encourage proceeded with enhancements. Finding out about clash and peace promotion strategies is incredibly significant to associations, groups, and people. Clashes happen at all degrees of interactionâ€at work, among companions, inside families, and between relationship accomplices. In the event that it is dealt with well, clash can be gainful, prompting further understanding and shared regard. End Groups travel through different stages all through the course of events of an undertaking. As they move from the shaping stage to the second phase of raging, it is indispensable to the accomplishment of the group that they use compromise systems in the event that they are going to move to the norming organize and be effective. The group was attempting to work through the contention of being not able to impart in spite of numerous endeavors by the group. They used positive correspondence compromise strategies to comprehend and work through the issue. The group checked on their sanction and focused on the significance of cooperating and conveying which encouraged a domain of common regard as opposed to slamming the colleague that had not viably imparted in the initial three weeks. Because of the issues, they at last turned their piece of the undertaking in late. Through the 4 R’s (Wynn, 2012): Reason-distinguishing the explanations behind the contention. The group worked through the contention by looking to comprehend. They reached the colleague had not been conveying and tried to comprehend the issue utilizing a positive methodology. Response guaranteeing that in the idea of collaboration, they stay fair. The group didn't expect the idea of the contention, and rather they kept on working through the issue until they found that the individual from the group that was lethargic. Results-by keeping up correspondence and a positive way to deal with the venture and checking the advancement, the group had the option to recognize at a basic point that one colleague was not imparting and was not exhibiting a push to add to the task. The group had the option to recognize this and work rapidly to determine the circumstance. The group kept on working through the issue until the colleague reached. The group made strides after this circumstance to audit as a group the contract and guidelines for the group to forestall this issue in the following task. It is crucial to follow advance and keep up correspondence for progress. After the partner was at last reached, the last R, which is Resolution, was accomplished. References Belgard, W., Fisher, K., and Rayner, S. (1995). Tips for groups. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, Co.. Engleberg, I. N., and Wynn, D. R. (2010). Working in gatherings (fifth ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Quantitative Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Quantitative Methods - Assignment Example For computing the month to month costs for the two kinds of home loans first the ostensible financing costs ought to be utilized to ascertain the successful yearly loan costs. This is finished by utilizing the accompanying equation: I=(1+r/x)^x-1 So as to get the compelling yearly rates the Microsoft Excel equation was utilized: EFFECT(nominal_rate,npery), where nominal_rate is the yearly ostensible rate and npery is the quantity of exacerbating times each year. These qualities were determined in Microsoft Excel utilizing the equation: PMT(rate,nper,pv,fv,type). Rate is the financing cost of the home loan, Nper is the all out number of reimbursements for the credit, for this situation 300 months (25*12), Pv is the current estimation of the absolute reimbursements that are to be made, Fv is the future worth that one wishes to accomplish after the last reimbursement, for this situation 0 and finally Type demonstrates whether the reimbursement is made toward the start of the month (0) or toward the end (1), for this situation we expect it is made toward the beginning of the month so 0. So as to assess the Interest Only Mortgage alternative we should initially ascertain the powerful yearly loan fee on the store put in the sinking reserve. This will be done similarly with respect to the Repayment Mortgage. The outcomes are introduced in the table underneath: The month to month cost Interest Only home loan comprises of the intrigue paid over the home loan time frame and the sum gathered in the sinking fund.... epayments for the advance, for this situation 300 months (25*12), Pv is the current estimation of the all out reimbursements that are to be made, Fv is the future worth that one wishes to achieve after the last reimbursement, for this situation 0 and in conclusion Type shows whether the reimbursement is made toward the start of the month (0) or toward the end (1), for this situation we accept it is made toward the beginning of the month so 0. So as to assess the Interest Only Mortgage alternative we should initially figure the viable yearly loan cost on the store put in the sinking reserve. This will be done similarly with respect to the Repayment Mortgage. The outcomes are introduced in the table underneath: Ostensible financing cost on store in sinking reserve Number of aggravating periods every year Successful yearly loan cost on store in sinking reserve 5.50% 1 0.055 5.75% 1 0.0575 6.00% 1 0.06 6.25% 1 0.0625 6.50% 1 0.065 6.75% 1 0.0675 7.00% 1 0.07 7.25% 1 0.0725 7.50% 1 0.075 7.75% 1 0.0775 8.00% 1 0.08 8.25% 1 0.0825 8.50% 1 0.085 8.75% 1 0.0825 9.00% 1 0.09 The month to month cost Interest Only home loan comprises of the intrigue paid over the home loan time frame and the sum aggregated in the sinking store. So as to ascertain the regularly scheduled installment into the sinking reserve utilizing Excel the PPMT(rate,per,nper,pv,fv,type) equation was utilized where rate is the loan fee per period, per is the period, nper is the aggregate sum of installments in the sinking store, pv is the current estimation of the home loan, fv is the future worth expected for our situation 0 and type demonstrates when the regularly scheduled installments are expected for this situation we accept that they are made toward the start of the period so we take the worth 1. The outcomes are recorded underneath: Yearly loan fee Number of years in the advance Measure of advance Installment into venture plan 5.50% 25 350000
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Using the I Can Problem Solve Program Research Proposal
Utilizing the I Can Problem Solve Program - Research Proposal Example ICPS Program shows the basic reasoning abilities kids require to take care of issues all alone. In the wake of getting this program, youngsters figure out how to produce arrangement and elective answers for issues. They figure out how to feel free to think about the circumstance that will emerge once the choice is taken. Capacity to design appropriately the means to be taken to arrive at the primary objective is created all alone. How? Here, understudies are assisted with tackling issues all alone by utilizing genuine circumstances and utilizing fun and energizing techniques, for example, utilizing vivid pictures, manikins and so forth. Conversations among gatherings of understudies and pretends are likewise done during the program to assist them with comprehension and think of different arrangements and elective answers for situational issues .They are then permitted to discover for themselves which would be the best answer for the issue thinking about the results. The program shows understudies fundamental abilities and critical thinking language. They learn word ideas, how to distinguish issues, think of arrangements, discover factors behind issues, produce substitute arrangements and furthermore study results. Youngsters figure out how to be touchy. They perceive one’s own sentiments as well as others. Youngsters will in general be compassionate and comprehend issues others face from their perspecti ve. Also, henceforth they can react to others issues and impact their reactions thusly. Kids become better leaders. Numerous pretends are led during this program establishing tricky circumstances. They are mentioned to think of arrangements and elective answers for such situational issues. Furthermore, they at last pick the best arrangement all alone in the wake of examining the results to their choices. This empowers them to oversee and tackle regular issues all the more viably. Relating exercises figured out how to different territories, augmentation exercises, action sheets and other intelligent exercises are incorporated.
European Business and Policy Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
European Business and Policy Environment - Essay Example Harsh exercises gained from two universal wars have manufactured solid bonds between countries like England, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy who not extended period of time back had hazardous political, military and financial competitions. Absolute reliance on innovative highlights at the expense of settled customary practices have anyway end up being the most despicable aspect of current Europe. Unreasonable opportunity and individual rights have dissolved familial and social qualities, and their belongings are felt in expanding number of disharmony and relationship breakdowns in relationships and individual lives. Europe's pledge to ecological issues, be that as it may, is praiseworthy and her tenacious endeavors to address this issue in mainland gatherings as well as at worldwide levels will undoubtedly have helpful impacts earth as well as on world economy. Improved condition will likewise decidedly add to medical problems and efficiency. (EU sees green future for business) Condition issues and contamination are characteristically connected to effectiveness in the force part, regular assets and waste administration. These require administrative and observing bodies with wide running forces to organize, check, casing and update arrangements, give rules, keep up close chain to control deviations, and punish rebelliousness. (EU Business) Europe's reliance on non-renewable energy source additionally figures on environmen... (EU Business) Europe's reliance on non-renewable energy source additionally figures on ecological issues making it critical to change over to elective eco-accommodating biomass fuel for natural and monetary reasons. (Georges Markatatos, 8/6/2006) The Impact of Sud Chemie on elective wellsprings of vitality Headquartered in Munich, Germany, Sud Chemie Group is operational comprehensively and its sound, top to bottom associate, information and mastery in the field of customary and non-regular vitality assets makes it basically significant for the organization to pioneer endeavors on exchanging over to eco-accommodating sustainable power source assets. Sud Chemie's way of thinking of saving utilization of regular vitality and water give its items worthwhile situation on decrease of outflow levels and subsequently cut down contamination levels through lower vitality utilization and higher productivity. (Sud Chemie) As of now, the popularity for non-renewable energy source and its expense of creation and circulation is exceeding its unfriendly effect on condition and the capacities of the legislatures to present administrative changes in the force and vitality segments. This factor is additionally predominating endeavors by concerned halls to push for reasonable choices as sustainable power sources. Eco-accommodating sustainable power source assets industry At present, the expense of sustainable power source utilization in Europe and somewhere else is high when contrasted with non-renewable energy sources. In this way, the force for exchanging over to sustainable sources, for example, biomass vitality doesn't look empowering for the second and the not so distant. Research for improvement reasons for the sustainable power sources is crumbled because of assorted varieties in the accessibility and type of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Clone Detection in Object Oriented Systems
Clone Detection in Object Oriented Systems Program Slicing based Clone Detection in Object Oriented Systems Ishu Singla Rajesh Bhatia Abstract†Program cutting is a productive method for understanding projects by improving them. It is a program examination method that separates a specific arrangement of articulations pertinent to any calculation. Throughout the previous 25 years, the procedure has discovered its application in various research zones like testing, troubleshooting, upkeep and so on. In this paper, we have proposed a strategy to utilize this procedure for clone discovery in object arranged projects. As program cutting focuses just on the important part of the projects dependent on certain standards, this property can be used in clone discovery process. For this we have utilized Program Dependency Graphs as a moderate portrayal. These PDG’s are later used to separate isomorphic incomplete cuts lastly these cuts are coordinated to discover potential clones. Keywords†Partial Slices;PDG; Isomorphism. I. Presentation A code clone speaks to a succession of explanations that are copied in various areas of a program. Clones regularly emerge in source code because of different cut glue procedure on the source. In this manner, Code cloning can be considered as the demonstration of duplicating code parts and making minor, non-utilitarian adjustments in the actualized code. Code cloning builds the support cost supposing that there is a blunder in the code piece to be replicated, at that point that mistake will be engendered at better places. Hence, the ordinary working of the framework isn't influenced yet further improvement may turn out to be restrictively costly [1][2]. Pre-handling of the entire program is regularly not a decent decision while scanning for clones. The program contains various superfluous articulations, in this way, pre-handling will be a tedious procedure [1][3]. Additionally the methodology for discovering clones in procedural arranged and item situated projects is totally extraordinary. Clone discovery in object situated projects has various issues [15] and once in a while follows distinctive methodology. Choosing a specific arrangement of explanations from an enormous program that contains proclamations applicable to a specific calculation is called program cutting. In this way, Program Slicing improves program understandability and discover its significance in various applications, for example, programming upkeep, programming troubleshooting, testing and so forth [3][5]. Various code clone identification strategies have been proposed dependent on content, token, diagrams, trees and measurements [1]. Some different strategies dependent on models and some crossover procedures have additionally been proposed [9][11]. The fundamental favorable position of utilizing program cutting is that we can discover the non-adjoining, interlaced code clones, where the coder changes a portion of the announcements and the remainder of the code stays unaltered in between[2][4]. II. DEFINITIONS Program cutting was initially presented by Weiser that characterizes program cutting as an examination method which removes the components of a program identified with a specific calculation. That arrangement of explanations by and large called as program cut. Program cuts contains that pieces of a program that influences the qualities registered eventually of intrigue. Program cutting naturally breaks down program by deciding the information and control conditions [3][8]. A. Cutting CRITERION Cutting in program is constantly figured based on some cutting measure. We can speak to cutting model as , where S is the announcement from which the cut is to be processed and V is the variable for which the cut is to be figured and that variable must exist in the announcement S [8]. B. Information DEPENDENCY Articulation P is information subject to explanation Q of a program if there exists a variable m at P which is gotten to likewise in proclamation Q [6]. Think about the accompanying model, 1.x=10; 2.y=x+c; In articulation 1, we are appointing a worth 10 to x and in proclamation 2, we are utilizing the estimation of x. Along these lines, there is an information reliance between the two proclamations 1 and 2. C. CONTROL DEPENDENCY Articulation P is control reliant on proclamation Q if and just if explanation P controls the execution of proclamation Q [6]. Think about the accompanying model, 1.if(statement 1) 2. explanation 2; In the above model, explanation 2 will be executed if articulation 1 outcomes in obvious worth. Consequently, articulation 2 is control subject to proclamation 1. Figure. 1 stream graph for program cutting based clone discovery. III. Clone Detection Using the Program Slicing in object situated projects Figure 1 shows the stream graph for the clone discovery approach. The method begins by taking two example java programs. At that point, the pre-preparing of these projects is to be done, in which we expel the remarks and clear spaces. From that point, the .class records for the standardized example programs are created. After this, the Program Dependency Graphs (PDGs), based on control and information conditions, are resolved for the two projects. The program reliance chart is spoken to as nearness framework as appeared in figure 2. It is a n*n network where n is the no of proclamations in the standardized program. Each section ‘1’ speaks to the information reliance between the two proclamations decided from the line and segment of the framework. Also, every passage 2 speaks to the control reliance between two explanations. Presently, by having a nearby gander at the nearness lattice, it is very certain that the network is meager in light of the fact that the event of zero is higher than the non-zero passages. So looking at the nearness lattices of the two projects can’t be an effective methodology. Consequently, a calculation has been built up that decides the halfway cuts from the contiguousness framework as records. In prior methods for program cutting, the cutting measure must be characterized physically to decide the cuts. However, in our methodology, the program cuts are resolved consequently based on the referenced calculation. Since, the cuts are removed beginning from the principal articulation, utilizing control and information conditions in the nearness lattice. Figure 2. Case of Adjacency framework acquired from programs. A. Calculation for Program Slicing Info:- A control information reliance contiguousness lattice mat[n][n] of size n*n where n is the no of proclamations. Each section ‘1’ at file mat[i][j] shows that there is an information reliance between proclamation I and j and each passage ‘2’ speaks to the control reliance between articulation I and j. Yield:- Partial cuts in type of records The incomplete cuts are separated from the contiguousness grid, which are as records. Once, the fractional cuts for the two java programs are resolved, we need to coordinate them utilizing a proficient coordinating calculation. In the event that there is cloning among the two source codes, at that point there must be a match between these fractional cuts. The coordinating calculation will discover the degree of cloning between the two projects by looking at the incomplete cuts lastly return level of cloning as result. IV. Related Work In most recent two decades, different calculations have been proposed for program cutting. All have its own focal points and inadequacies. In next segment, a diagram of late research in the zone of program cutting is given. Z. Guangquan et. al proposed a technique to cut the simultaneous item arranged projects. In this methodology the java simultaneousness model is utilized and conditions between the announcements are characterized. The paper presents the strategy for separating cutting measure from direct fleeting rationale property and proposes the means of figuring cutting. Multithreaded reliance chart is utilized for middle of the road portrayal. A Two-pass calculation dependent on Variable Cache Table is adjusted to register cuts by extricating out the unimportant segments of the projects. Results show the fulfillment is ensured for source and cut program and the technique can be effortlessly reached out to deal with other simultaneousness models[7]. R. Komondoor et. al. proposed a device to recognize clones in C parts. In their methodology, they utilized program reliance diagrams and program cutting to discover isomorphic PDG subgraphs. These subgraphs can be spoken to as clones. This device is equipped for discovering non-nonstop clones, interweaved clones and clones in which diverse variable names are utilized and articulations have been reordered. The methodology has been applied for the procedural arranged projects and finds numerous variations of perfect clones. Various experiments exhibiting the use of approach on huge projects have been demonstrated [4]. A. Surendran et. al. proposed a fractional cutting methodology as a viable strategy for program testing. Fractional cuts are shaped from the blend of static cuts and program focuses. Now and again static cuts contains huge number of program proclamations which are of little use in numerous down to earth applications. Incomplete cutting evacuates the detriment of enormous size of static cuts. In their methodology they utilize just static cuts for the calculation as static cuts give all conceivable execution ways. When contrasted with unique program there is a huge decrease in the quantity of proclamations in static cuts utilizing incomplete cutting. Utilizing the requirements of fractional cutting system testing is additionally improved. This methodology can likewise be utilized in troubleshooting, upkeep and discovering clones [10]. D. Liang et. al. introduced framework reliance diagram for object-arranged software’s. They have indicated that their methodology is more exact than past methodologies and is progressively proficient to build. It recognizes information individuals that fit for various articles. It gives an approach to speak to information individuals that go about as parameters and the impacts of polymorphism on parameters and parameter ties. It presents an idea of article cutting which helps in analyze the announcements in cut item by object. Item cutting is acceptable strategy for troubleshooting and investigation of huge sc
Monday, August 17, 2020
Tools for Project Planning Your Complete Guide (Updated for 2019)
Tools for Project Planning â€" Your Complete Guide (Updated for 2019) Project planning is a diverse and many-faceted discipline that requires an equally diverse set of tools. In this article, we’ll break down the project planning process into its 7 main activities â€" from brainstorming to knowledge management â€" and look at the best tools for each activity currently available on the market. 1. Writing Tools Traditional text documents are still the best format for many deliverables created during the project planning phase, such as reports, vision statements and formal project plans. Modern, cloud-based writing tools enable you to share documents with other decision makers efficiently and collaborate on them in real-time. Three of the best and most widely used online writing apps are Google Docs, Microsoft Word Online, and Dropbox Paper, all of which are simple, clean and â€" with certain limitations â€" available for free. Google Docs: Docs is available as part of G Suite â€" Google’s productivity suite of web-based apps. It’s a solid word processor that lets you work together on documents, leave comments, and even turn comments into tasks that you can assign to a collaborator. Docs also offers a number of great add-ons. Microsoft Word Online: Similarly to Docs, Microsoft Word Online comes as part of a package â€" the Microsoft Office 365 Suite. You can save your documents on OneDrive and share them easily with a secure share link. Dropbox Paper: Compared to Docs and Word, Dropbox Paper is a very sleek and modern looking text editor that focuses on distraction-free writing. It aims to simplify things like pasting videos and formatting images, and overall feels very intuitive. However, the app’s minimalism also applies to features and formatting options, so if your needs are more advanced, Docs or Word is still the better choice. 2. Spreadsheet Tools Whether you’re creating a work breakdown structure (WBS) or are working on your budget calculations, spreadsheets are an essential part of any project planning process. In 2018, all top players in the spreadsheet market are either cloud-based or at least offer cloud-based versions, enabling you to share sheets easily and collaborate with other team members. Microsoft Excel: Having been the industry standard since the 90s, Microsoft Excel is widely used across the globe and a solid choice for project managers. Excel can still be purchased and installed locally, but also offers a cloud-based version as part of Office 365. Google Sheets: If your organization works with G Suite, then Sheets is the obvious choice to cover your spreadsheet needs. The tool also offers a variety of practical templates, and comes with a whole marketplace full of powerful add-ons to make your life easier. Zoho Sheet: Zoho Sheet is part of Zoho’s comprehensive suite of business software tools. The tool is a valid alternative to the main players in the market, and makes it particularly easy to visualize your data in the form of charts, pivot tables and more. Speaking of chart makers… 3. Chart Makers If the data visualization options inside your spreadsheet tools aren’t enough, you might want to look for a more specialized chart maker to create your pie charts, bar graphs, infographics and other visual reports. Infogram: This web-based chart maker lets you create engaging infographics and reports. They offer more than 35 charts and 500 maps, 1 million images and icons, practical templates and more. Plotly: Plotly is a great choice if your needs are more advanced â€" its marketed towards data scientists and analysts and offers next-level visualizations for your business. Venngage: Venngage offers a myriad of customizable templates that help you create infographics, presentations, reports, social media visuals and more. Their chart editor is easy to use and lets you import data from Google Sheets. Bonus: Google Charts: As part of your project communication efforts, you might want to enable stakeholders to view data live on your site. Google Charts lets you create interactive charts for browsers and mobile devices, which are updated based on your data in real-time. 4. Visual Collaboration Tools Similarly to chart makers and diagram tools, the apps in this category enable you to communicate information visually. However, this time the focus is on the collaborative process: the ability to come together as a team â€" be it virtually or in-person â€" and work together in a shared space. Typical uses of visual collaboration tools are brainstorming, decision making and collaborative planning. MindMeister: MindMeister lets you collaborate on shared mind maps with an unlimited number of colleagues. The intuitive interface is ideal for ad-hoc brainstorming sessions, strategizing, project planning and decision making. MindMeister also offers mobile apps for iOS and Android, which allow you to access your mind maps while you’re offline. Miro: Miro (formerly known as Realtime Board) is a versatile online whiteboard software that offers many practical integrations, for instance with Atlassian products. The software runs inside your browser, on Desktop and mobile devices. Mural: Mural lets you draw or type ideas on virtual sticky notes, add visuals in the form of images and videos, and collaborate on them with your team members in real-time. It’s a simple and straightforward collaboration software similar to Realtime Board. 5. Diagram Tools Diagram tools allow you to visualize data and processes, and make them easy to comprehend for your audiences. The diagram solutions we listed all provide a large variety of formats and structures for you to choose from, such as org charts, flow charts, concept maps, floor plans and more: Visio Online: Developed by Microsoft, Visio Online is a professional and sophisticated diagram tool that allows real-time collaboration between users and lets you create anything from flow charts to timelines and from floor plans to business processes. Lucidchart: Beside the standard selection of diagram types, Lucidchart also works as a wireframe and mockup tool and offers specialized diagrams for engineers. In opposite to Visio Online, Lucidchart can also be used for free. SmartDraw: SmartDraw lets you create chart-based, graph-based and schematic diagrams â€" basically anything from simple donut diagrams to sophisticated infographics. The cloud-based software is simple to use and reasonably priced. Bonus: Fluid UI: As a powerful prototyping and collaboration tool, Fluid UI lets you create simple workflows in minutes and share them with the rest of your team, who can provide feedback and edit the documents directly. 6. Knowledge Management Tools To ensure the best use of available resources, project teams need a place where they can collect, store and share assets as well as knowledge effectively. This is where knowledge management tools come in. Here are our top three choices for this category: Confluence: Teams working in the Atlassian environment will find a great knowledge management tool in Confluence. Here, knowledge is organized around spaces, and each space can hold all sorts of pages â€" anything from meeting minutes to tutorials to blog posts. Dozens of add-ons allow you to integrate even more types of assets into your spaces, such as diagrams or mind maps. MindMeister: MindMeister lets you create a net of knowledge maps that either store information locally or link to assets stored on external file storage platforms such as Google Drive or OneDrive. Mind maps are a particularly great format for knowledge management because they allow you to create intuitive models of the common knowledge (ontologies) which are easy to navigate and work with. Evernote Business: Working in Evernote is based on individual notes, which are collected in notebooks. You can also link notes together to quickly jump from one set of information to the next, or create a table of contents for a notebook. Overall, Evernote is a simple tool that’s great for collecting research and institutional knowledge. 7. Resource Planning Tools While you can technically create resource plans with a simple spreadsheet tool, there are many benefits to using specialized resource planning software with your project team. These tools usually offer interactive schedules and Gantt charts, task dependencies, time tracking and many more features that make the complex task of resource planning easier and more efficient. Forecast: Forecast uses artificial intelligence to help you schedule resources and manage projects more efficiently. It also connects with many other popular tools project teams use, such as Slack, Drive, and various task managers. Forecast is beautifully designed and reasonably priced. Resource Guru: Compared to Forecast’s sleek look, Resource Guru’s UI and website seem a little outdated, but what the tool lacks in terms of design it makes up for with simplicity, usability and a fairly low pricing. 10,000ft Plans: With 10K’ Plans, you create visual, interactive resource management plans and dynamic timelines that replace your static spreadsheet schedules. Overall, 10K’ Plans is a great allrounder that includes time tracking, planning and scheduling, as well as analytics and reports. So these are our top 21 tools for project planning in 2019. If you give any of them a try, let us know how you get on in the comments below! Plan projects visually with mind maps
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Managing Human Resources Essay - 550 Words
Managing Human Resources (Essay Sample) Content: Managing Human Resources Samuel NgangaInstitution28th June 2013 In any organization, human resource plays a vital role in the achievement of organizational objectives. Management of human resources thus becomes a key concern for managers when considering production maximization and objective realization. This then creates the need for human resource management, which entails the specific functions that managers come up with in relation to human resources in their organizations. These functions are vital for the running of the organizations and they include; resource allocation and planning, provision of performance metrics, fostering both informal and formal progresses, provision of direction through setting of goals and objectives, managing performances, easing employee progresses by removing impediments, leading in setting ethics and customer relations among others. Whereas these functions can be executed and achieve success in application, there are challenges whi ch face the implementation of human resource management. It is therefore important to consider the challenges and success factors in the process of managing human resources. Managing human resources is full of challenges. Since human resources are intelligent and conscious, they are bound to elicit different reactions to given functions and therefore lead to the rise of numerous challenges in the management process. Some of these challenges begin at the time when the human resources become points of interest to an organization. According to Bohlander Snell (2009, p.78), the rigorous competition and recruitment process pose the first challenge to managers since selection of the right resource is not easy. After staffing, managing human capital and their talents becomes a challenge because of individual differences in capabilities within the human resources. Managing change, whether in relation to technology or daily operations within an organization is another serious challenge (Bo hlander Snell, 2009, p.98). Smith (2005, p.57) argues that successful management of human resources needs strategic planning and management practices. In this respect, successful human resource managers need to prioritize performance management by employing appraisal techniques, a factor which raises motivation of human resources for maximum productivity (Smith, 2005, p.69). Secondly, observation of duty delegation is imperative in the realization of specialization, hence, maximum utility of the resources. Development and training, either immediately after hiring or in the course of duty, and reorganization of the human resources are indispensable in successful management. Training ensures that the resources are equipped with th... Managing Human Resources Essay - 550 Words Managing Human Resources (Essay Sample) Content: Managing Human Resources Samuel NgangaInstitution28th June 2013 In any organization, human resource plays a vital role in the achievement of organizational objectives. Management of human resources thus becomes a key concern for managers when considering production maximization and objective realization. This then creates the need for human resource management, which entails the specific functions that managers come up with in relation to human resources in their organizations. These functions are vital for the running of the organizations and they include; resource allocation and planning, provision of performance metrics, fostering both informal and formal progresses, provision of direction through setting of goals and objectives, managing performances, easing employee progresses by removing impediments, leading in setting ethics and customer relations among others. Whereas these functions can be executed and achieve success in application, there are challenges whi ch face the implementation of human resource management. It is therefore important to consider the challenges and success factors in the process of managing human resources. Managing human resources is full of challenges. Since human resources are intelligent and conscious, they are bound to elicit different reactions to given functions and therefore lead to the rise of numerous challenges in the management process. Some of these challenges begin at the time when the human resources become points of interest to an organization. According to Bohlander Snell (2009, p.78), the rigorous competition and recruitment process pose the first challenge to managers since selection of the right resource is not easy. After staffing, managing human capital and their talents becomes a challenge because of individual differences in capabilities within the human resources. Managing change, whether in relation to technology or daily operations within an organization is another serious challenge (Bo hlander Snell, 2009, p.98). Smith (2005, p.57) argues that successful management of human resources needs strategic planning and management practices. In this respect, successful human resource managers need to prioritize performance management by employing appraisal techniques, a factor which raises motivation of human resources for maximum productivity (Smith, 2005, p.69). Secondly, observation of duty delegation is imperative in the realization of specialization, hence, maximum utility of the resources. Development and training, either immediately after hiring or in the course of duty, and reorganization of the human resources are indispensable in successful management. Training ensures that the resources are equipped with th...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
A Place For Call Home Intellectual Disabilities And...
â€Å"A Place to Call Home: Intellectual Disabilities and Residential Services in Nova Scotia,†is an article written by Rachel Barken (PH.D Candidate) from the Department of Sociology at McMaster University. This article is about how Nova Scotia still continues to institutionalize people with intellectual disabilities when other provinces across Canada are working on deinstitutionalizing. Provinces in Canada are moving towards the approach of community living based group homes for people with intellectual disabilities. Barken (2013) based this article on participant observation, document analysis, and qualitative research. She discovered that implicated community members which include policy makers, residential service providers and workers, and advocates have conflicting beliefs about institutionalized and community living based group homes that could be slowing the process down of still have institutions in Nova Scotia. (Barken, 2013) Barken mentions that according to the 2008 Report of Residential Services, over seven hundred Nova Scotians with disabilities are segregated in institutional settings. Institutions that house people with a combination of physical and intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses are referred to as Adult Residential Centres (ARCs) or Regional Rehabilitation Centres (RRCs). (Barken, 2013) Barker cites from the DCS written in 2008 that there are seven institutions or ARCs and RRCs part of a continuum of residential services in Nova Scotia.Show MoreRelatedOut Patient Mental Health Facility Essay986 Words  | 4 PagesOut-patient mental health facility Resources for Human Development (RHD) is a national human services nonprofit founded in 1970. The company currently oversees and supports more than 160 programs in 14 states. 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To Deaf parents, however, would prefer having a Deaf child. A Deaf baby in a Deaf household means the Deaf heritage of the family will go on. They are proud of their Deaf genealogy. They view, like most parents , that their child is a reflection of themselves. A DEAF CHILD BORN TO DEAF PARENTS The Deaf parents already have a home that functions as an environment conducive to using vision as the main meansRead MoreInclusive Education3595 Words  | 15 Pagesstrengthening the capacity of the education system to reach out to all learners, irrespective of their abilities, disabilities, ethnicity, gender and age, and receives quality education. The purpose of the study is to ensure that all children gain access to quality education that will prepare them to contribute to country’s progress. Recommendations to send children with disabilities to mainstream schools were first made in the Sargent Report in 1944 and thereafter the Government of India has created
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Credit Card Theft Is Not For Hard Working Consumers...
No matter what precautions are taken, credit and debit card fraud will remain an enemy to hard working consumers everywhere. Credit card thieves can use a variety of methods to attack the consumer. ATMs can be used to steal information from a debit card transaction. Online predators can steal credit card information through a click of a button. Stores can also be targeted through the use of data mining in the magnetic card readers. Persistent consumer vigilance is needed if credit card theft is to be avoided. ATM machines with exorbitant fees have been thought to be acting as highway robbers, now they may even have a thieving companion; Card scanners. By stealing the information off the credit card as it is swiped the consumer is not even aware they have been attacked. Even if the consumer is careful to hide their hand as they enter the PIN in order to withdraw money from an ATM, the larcenist might still have a hidden camera or card reader to steal the card information. Erin Lowry, a content director for a popular magazine was a victim of two different attacks on her credit identity; she had $600 stolen from her account after using a shady ATM with a hidden scanner inside. The use of a low security ATM is a consumer error, but with everyday stresses sometimes common sense is abandoned in place of convenience. Larcenists will place these scanners inside ATM’s located in low socioeconomic areas with the intent to instantly copy the card numbers onto an embedded micro storageShow Mor eRelatedElectronic Theft : A Victim s Credit Score And Peace Of Mind Essay2091 Words  | 9 Pagesidentification, credit or even a mortgage, you become a victim of identity theft. This crime is devastating to a victim’s credit score and peace of mind. Illinois ranked fifth among states in the number of identity complaints reported to the Consumer Sentinel, a database developed and maintained by the Federal Trade Commission. Identity theft involves a thief, a victim, law enforcement, and identity theft affidavit that will help you report the information. All crimes such as rape and auto theft have someRead MoreData Breach3986 Words  | 16 PagesIn today’s digital world, most Americans leave long electronic trails of private information wherever they go. But too often, that data is compromised. When they shopâ€â€whether online or at brick and mortar storesâ€â€retailers gain access to their credit card numbers. Medical institutions maintain patient records, which are increasingly electronic. Corporations store copious customer lists and employee Social Security numbers. These types of data frequently get loose. Hackers gain entry to improperlyRead MoreAustralian Personal Property Securities Laws Essay3186 Words  | 13 Pageswhich encourage consumers and producers to â€Å"conveniently †¦ raise finance †¦on the security of such property†[2] which encourage investment which in turn leads to the creation of wealth. 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The Internet makes it even easier to share medical advances and even family memories, among other things. Computers that once filled huge rooms are now basically in our pockets and on our desks. Even little computers the size of a credit card or even smaller are way more powerful than the first computers. With all of these advances in technology there comes the people and organized groups that wish to ruin it for the rest of us. There are possible risks to keeping personal informationRead MoreTechnology Advances, Hackers Get Even Smarter1918 Words  | 8 Pagesopens up a door to the realm of vulnerability to cyber-attacks. Hackers have successfully found breaches in the security of laptops and other computers it’s only a matter of time before they master the computers in automobiles. Scientists should be working with these automobile companies to fix the loop holes in their security before malicious hackers find them. I. INTRODUCTION It’s difficult to explain when the first computer was introduced because of the many different classificationsRead MoreAccounts Receivable and Information6187 Words  | 25 Pagesordering, receiving, and temporarily storing merchandise that is going to be sold to Samp;S customers. b. Samp;S does not manufacture any goods, thus its operations activities consists of displaying merchandise for sale and protecting it from theft. c. Outbound logistics includes delivering the products to the customer. d. Sales amp; marketing includes ringing up and processing all sales transactions and advertising products to increase sales. e. Service includes repairs, periodicRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Information Systems9488 Words  | 38 Pagesinformation systems meaning explaining the differences of computer literacy and information literacy. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Film And The Band Played On The Aids Crisis - 988 Words
The film And the Band Played On illustrates the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. In 1981, Dr. Don Francis notices an increase in deaths due to an illness among gay men in cities. As the number of deaths rapidly grows, Dr. Francis is forced to do his work with little money and outdated equipment as he tries to find possible causes of this rapidly spreading disease. Doctors, the Center for Disease Control, and citizens try to figure out if the disease is spread sexually, through blood or bodily secretions. The film And the Band Played On shows the reaction from the government, the Center for Disease Control, and normal citizens of the United States when this mysterious disease emerges. For example, in 1985 hysteria broke out across Queens when the New York City Board of Education announced that children with AIDS could attend public schools with healthy children. Parents protested against this in fears their children may contract this deadly disease with no known cause. Parents believed that their parental instinct and community control should trump what little known information about the disease that the NYC Board of Education was using. This event is described in Jennifer Brier’s article â€Å"‘Save Our Kids, Keep AIDS Out’: Anti-AIDS Activism and the Legacy of Community Control in Queens, New York†. At the end of this article and the film, citizens gain a better understanding for this disease and how it is transmitted. As hysteria broke out in Districts 27 and 29 of Queens, parentsShow MoreRelatedFilm And The Band Played On By Roger Spottiswoode Essay1682 Words  | 7 PagesWhat are the major theme(s) of the film? Hint use the concepts presented in class to guide your answer. Provide examples to demonstrate meaning. (6 marks) In the film And the Band Played On by Roger Spottiswoode, the major themes revealed throughout the film is the lack of participation from the governments behalf on this epidemic, divisional of private and public sectors and medical dominance between medical researchers. In this epidemic outbreak the government showed a lack of insensitivity towardsRead MoreFilm Critique Paper: and the Band Played on1627 Words  | 7 PagesFilm Critique Paper And the Band Played On The movie is about the first couple years of AIDS, mostly in the United States. It tells the political as well as the scientific struggle that occurred with the discovery of AIDS. The main character Dr. Don Francis heads the research of AIDS with little money and little help. This was because AIDS was considered the â€Å"gay man’s disease†and there was more emphasis on who discovered the disease than actually helping those who had it. Basically, theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Band Played On 1261 Words  | 6 PagesINSERT SURNAME 1 Author Tutor Course Date Words I Never Said And the Band Played on is a movie that illustrated the AIDs crisis in the 1980s and the early 1990s. The movie did touch on subjects concerning the reaction of the gay community, the heterosexual community, and the medical community. It shows not only the AIDs research but also how the US government dealt with it (Curran, 56). The movie shows the consequences the gay community experienced, the plight of the medical community in investigatingRead MoreWorld Trade Center a True Story of Courage and Survival a Movie Critique Re-Plan of Action1193 Words  | 5 PagesStep 4 - Equip personnel and country with nuclear fall out protection training. `This film was based on the lives of two port authority officers John McLoughlin, played by Nicolas Cage and Will Jimeno, played by Michael Peà ±a. They were numbers 18 and 19 of the total 20 survivors found onsite in the rubble. This true story was written by Andrea Berloff and directed by Oliver Stone. Survival skills and crisis response occurred between the two officers recovered from the disaster. Will Jimeno hadRead MoreHow Music Has Impacted My Life Essay1524 Words  | 7 PagesMusic has always played an important role in my life. Even as a student of film, I tell stories inspired by song lyrics, for the words, rhythms, and instruments of rock music have impacted my life to an unimaginable extent. Whenever I edit video, the underscore is vital. When I write a script, there s a poetic sound, a lyricism to the dialogue. I would not even be here in Los Angeles if not for artists such as Courtney Love and Jared Leto, who cross boundaries between music and film. In particularRead MoreDr. Gallo And The Band Played On Essay2087 Words  | 9 PagesAnd the Band Played On surprised me with its intricate character development. I found myself becoming attached to characters and heartbroken as I found they had contracted the HIV virus and made me root for research to find a vaccine or cure. Out of the characters presented in the film, I decided to focus on two main ones: Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Don Francis. These two characters stood out because they were so contrasting to one another. I also felt myself becoming angry at these characters andRead MoreMusic as a Stress Reliever1339 Words  | 5 PagesTrip to Coontown†was produced, written, organized and performed by African Americans, followed by many more productions. Musical theater’s strongest comedy years were the 1920s and 30s when shows such as â€Å"Ok, Kay!†, â€Å"Funny Face†, â€Å"Strike up the Band†, and â€Å"Anything Goes†were released. In the 1960s rock Musicals became incredibly successful such as â€Å"Hair†, which used modern lighting such as strobe lights and including mature contents such as sex and drugs (Encyclopedia Britannica). 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Among the measures taken were the granting of emergency appropriations for farm relief and public works, modification of the rules of the Federal Reserve System to make it easier for people in business and farming to obtain credit, and the establishmentRead MoreThe Impact of Technology on the Music Industry: a Study Into How Organisations Adapt in a Rapidly Evolving Business Environment7559 Words  | 31 Pagesorganisations adapt in a rapidly evolving business environment Profile - Sam Ford from UK Indie band One Night Only. The Group have recorded a top 10 hit on the Top 40 UK Singles Chart in 2008 from their debut album â€Å"Started a Fire†. From your debut album Started a Fire, you had a top 10 hit with â€Å"Just For Tonight†. What did it take you to get to the point? How did you market and promote your band to get to this point, did it start from how much of it was your own promotion and how did your record
Americans Eat More Than Required Free Essays
According to The Journal Of the American Medical Association JAM), †More than one-third of adults and 17% of youth in the United States are obese†¦ †(Ogden, Carroll, Kit, and Flea) So why do we as Americans eat more than the usual human being? From personal opinion I believe it is all the resources and opportunities we have to constantly eat. There are vending machines everywhere, food vendors every†here, restaurants everywhere, food trucks everywhere, it is almost if our world revolved around eating. On top of that we like to get out moneys worth, so it constantly pushes restaurants to serve more food. We will write a custom essay sample on Americans Eat More Than Required or any similar topic only for you Order Now Know when eat I usually eat what is on my late whether its a lot or a little, tend to finish. Working in the restaurant industry I see the same. Our portions tend to be about 8 ounces of meat and another 10-12 ounces worth of sides. That is a lot of food to put down in one sitting. Most people do it though. Very few people ever ask for a take out box. This paper is not about how all Americans are obese, but instead to inform the reader that we should not be eating as much. We should be eating smaller portions and more frequently. In today’s industry all the restaurants are offering healthier alternatives. McDonald’s is getting ready to rebind itself and lean more in a healthy way. That itself should show America that we need to observe what we eat. The JAM article states, â€Å"Overall, there have been no significant changes in obesity prevalence in youth or adults between 2003-2004 and 2011-2012. Obesity prevalence remains high and thus It is important to continue surveillance. (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, and Flea) It is something that if we instill in the children of America they will understand it at a young age and begin their habits right instead of overeating from a young age, †Obesity and childhood obesity, in particular, are the focus of many public health efforts in the United States. (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, and Gall) To conclude I would like to say that I am not the â€Å"ideal†in shape American, but I also do not fall i nto the 17% of the youth that is obese. How to cite Americans Eat More Than Required, Papers
Scarlet Letter And Scapegoats Essay Example For Students
Scarlet Letter And Scapegoats Essay In the novel, The Crucible, both scapegoats and vengeance play prominent roles. Abigail Williams exhibits both these characteristics. She committed the greatest of crimes. She destroyed the reputations of many and killed much of her surrounding society. Her power lied in the fact that judges believed her, making all those women who fell victim to her scapegoats. She is the one who triggers off a sense of hate in the play. She tempts John Proctor into lechery, and to escape punishment for dancing, she deflects the actions and blames them on someone else, and does not care how many lives she ruins. Later when she grows into power and influence, she seems to enjoy sending these innocent people to their deaths. Of course, the people she accuses are actually innocent, but she has the ability to manipulate people into believing that she is doing good. Reverend Hale, the witchcraft expert who initiates the problems in Salem, is positive about his belief that there are witches and feels that he carrying out the desires of God himself. Yet, as the play moves on, Hale notices that honest and good people are being sentenced and executed. Abigail lied to get some backing on her accusations by accusing two of the worst ladies in town of being witches, as well as the black slave from Barbados, Tituba. This was very believable, as these women held no social rank among the town. Vengeance is a quality that allows a person to want to seek revenge on another. This is typical of Abigail. She wanted John Proctor, and to get him, she was rounding up accusations of Elizabeth, his wife. Abigail was plotting to get Proctor, she was not just doing it out of the heat of passion, she had it in for his wife. She thought that it was the only thing that stood in her way. She was not going to stop until her death had been accomplished. Also in the play, many other names of towns-women were called out, accusing them of being witches, only for the fact that someone wanted to get revenge on the m. For the reasons I have described, the characters in The Crucible make and are made scapegoats, out of vengeance and hatred for them. English Essays
Monday, May 4, 2020
Examination of Cohesiveness Strategies
Question: Discuss about the Examination of Cohesiveness Strategies. Answer: Introduction: The patient having the capability to consent can decline the health care treatment even it contradicts the recommendation of the medical expert. The patient may at any time withdraw the consent either orally or by writing. The decision of the patient to withdraw the consent should be communicated to the medical practitioner (Scarborough et al., 2015). The decision of the patient should be respected. Whenever there is a withdrawal of consent, it is the responsibility of the nurse to: Checking whether the patient has ability to make an informed decision; Evaluating the understanding of the patient and considering issues related to health literacy or communication; Reasons that has lead the patient to make such decision should be explored; The other health care option that might be acceptable to the patient should be considered; The process of withdrawing consent by patient that has the capacity to make the decision are as follows: The consent should be orally either written or orally. The consequences of the decision should be discussed with the patient. The risk and the effect on the outcome is discussed with the patient. The patent has the option to obtain second opinion regarding the treatment form a different medical practitioner. It is important that the decision to withdraw consent should be for a specific treatment or procedure. The decision of the patient to withdraw consent should be properly documented along with the reason for such decisions. In case the patient is unable to make the decision then substitute decision maker can also decline the treatment. This decision should be evaluated and acted in a manner that the patient id making the decision (Cheema et al., 2014). Reference Cheema, B. S., Robergs, R. A., Askew, C. D. (2014). Exercise physiologists emerge as allied healthcare professionals in the era of non-communicable disease pandemics: a report from Australia, 20062012.Sports Medicine,44(7), 869-877. Scarborough, J., Eliott, J., Miller, E., Aylward, P. (2015). Equity in primary health care delivery: an examination of the cohesiveness of strategies relating to the primary healthcare system, the health workforce and hepatitis C.Australian Health Review,39(2), 175-182.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Examples of discriminatory practices Essay Example
Examples of discriminatory practices Paper Infringement of rights: Infringing a service users rights means treating them in an unfair, unequal or legal way. These could be physical, for example restraining a patient for no logical reason; Financial, for example not informing them that they are entitled to disability benefits or other government benefits; psychological, for example making them feel like they are worthless or not as valued as other service users. It is the care workers’ responsibility to ensure servo=ice users do not have their rights infringed. The various types of abuse: Abuse is when someone is taken advantage of in a negative way. It can be overt or covert, and there are various types of abuse. For example it can be physical, for example punching, kicking, restraining someone unnecessarily, or handling people roughly when helping them with bathing, moving or using the toilet; sexual, for example doing things to a person without their consent; psychological, for example humiliating someone or harassing them; financial, for example stealing their money or possessions, or putting pressure on someone to give you money. Those most at risk from danger and harm are children, individuals with mental health problems, individuals with learning disabilities or physical disabilities, the elderly etc., as these kinds of people can be less powerful and easily influenced. Care workers can protect individuals from danger and harm by raising awareness of possible abuse or problems, monitoring who they have contact with, physically or written (e.g. who phones them, who they write to, who cares for them etc.), by training staff so they know what procedures to follow when they feel someone’s safety might be at risk etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Examples of discriminatory practices specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Examples of discriminatory practices specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Examples of discriminatory practices specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Bullying: bullying a type of behavior by an individual / group that is repeated on a regular basis over an extended period of time aimed at another person or group of people. Bullying within the health and social care sector may be very damaging to the patient. It may result in the person having low self-esteem and confidence levels, they may feel very angry and powerless at the same time, they may also be worried to talk to the carer as they may feel disempowered and belittled. Prejudice: Prejudice is a negative pre-conceived belief, opinion or feeling towards a certain group of people that is based on unreasonable judgements. For example if there was a group of elderly residents in a care home, and they didnt talk to one of the members because they were homosexual and the residents believed this was wrong, if member of a class was Asian, and all the children refused to play with him because of this, this would be prejudice. Stereotyping and labelling: A stereotype is a belief about how all the people from certain groups of backgrounds behave or feel. Labelling is when someone gets labelled, either positively or negatively. For example if someone gets labelled as ‘lazy’ working for someone, then they might not get offered jobs and opportunities which could help them excel in their career. Covert and overt abuse of power: Covert: covert means that something is hidden, in the case of power, it would mean that someone is concealing their abuse of power from the public/other service users/other care workers. Covert abuse of power can happen in any setting. Overt: overt means that is it out in the open or known by everyone. Overt abuse of power means that someone is abusing their power in front of other service users/care workers and isn’t trying to hide it. This can also happen in any setting. For example, the manager of a care home making all the staff clean her office and tidy up after her every day would be an overt abuse of power. A covert abuse of power would be if the manager didnt supply the residents with all of the complimentary things (free pyjamas, free snacks etc.) because she wanted to keep them all for herself in her office.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Start Learning Spanish With Basic Lessons
Start Learning Spanish With Basic Lessons Spanish is one of the most-used languages in the world. Its also one that is relatively easy for English speakers to master. There are many reasons why you might want to learn Spanish. Maybe youre studying the language at school or planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country. Whatever it may be, there are a number of basics that will help you get started. The Spanish Alphabet Words are made up of letters, so its only logical that you begin by learning the Spanish alphabet. Its very similar to English, with a few exceptions, and there are some special pronunciations youll need to know. Many languages- Spanish included- use stress and accent marks to guide pronunciation. Since English is one of the few that doesnt, this can be one of the more challenging aspects of learning Spanish. Words and Phrases for Beginners Rather than dive right into the finer points of Spanish grammar, lets start with some basic vocabulary lessons. By learning simple things like the words for various colors and family members, you can feel a little sense of achievement right from the start. Greetings are among the first lessons in any Spanish class. When you can say hola, gracias, and buenos dias, you have a great start to any conversation. Likewise, if your ultimate goal is simple conversations to use on vacation, you may need a few common phrases. Asking for directions, for instance, can be very important for your travels. You might also need to read or ask for the time to keep your itinerary on track. Its not a bad idea to give the four seasons a quick study, either. Working With Nouns in Spanish Two rules stand out when using Spanish nouns. The most unique to English speakers are the masculine and feminine forms. Every Spanish noun has an inherent gender assigned to it, even if the subject is of the other gender. Quite often, the feminine will end with an -a and will use the articles una, la, or las rather than the masculine un, el, or los. The other rule of Spanish nouns comes into play when we are using the plural form. This tells you when to add an -es and when you can simply attach as -s to the noun. Further, the adjectives attached to the nouns must agree with either the singular or plural form. Spanish Pronouns Are Important Subject pronouns include words like I, you, and we, which we use all the time to form sentences. In Spanish, subject pronouns are yo, tà º, à ©l, ella, etc. Theyre used quite often to replace the subject of the sentence, but there are a few things you need to remember. For instance, Spanish has both a formal and informal version of you. With someone youre familiar with, you can use tà º, but formally its proper to use usted. In addition, there are certain times when its okay to omit the pronoun. Essential Spanish Grammar Other basic parts of Spanish grammar have their own rules that youll want to study. Verbs, for example, need to be conjugated to match the past, present, or future tense of the sentence. This can be difficult for students, but it is similar to adding the -ed and -ing endings in English. Muy means very and nunca means never in Spanish. These are just two of the many adverbs you can use to explain what something is like and add emphasis. Adjectives in Spanish can be a little tricky. Many times, these descriptive words are placed before a noun, but there are other circumstances when they come after it. For example, the red car is el coche rojo, with rojo being the adjective that describes the noun. One other very important part of speech is the preposition. These are short connective words like in, to, and under. In Spanish, they are used much like they are in English, so learning prepositions is often a simple matter of studying the new words.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Sustainable Marketing Campaign for one of the products of 3M Research Paper
Sustainable Marketing Campaign for one of the products of 3M - Research Paper Example Within the healthcare sector, 3M Conglomerate has numerous products, including the 3M Ultrathon insect repellent, which will be the focus of this sustainable marketing plan. For this particular case, the marketing strategy will focus on the new 3M Ultrathon Scented insect Repellent. Target Market The new Ultrathon Scented insect repellent will be targeted at a select segment through methods of differentiation. While insect repellents do not have a specific point of differentiation as their use is broad and general, this particular product will be targeted at people who feel that the scent of the insect repellent is important to interaction. The provision of a desirable scent will, therefore, make the current Ultrathon product more useful for this segment of people, especially with regards to women home-keepers and groups travelling outdoors for group activities. The product will be marketed to the Midwestern region of the United States in geographical terms. The marketing of the prod uct will focus on the Midwestern region because there is a high use of insecticides in the region. The promotion focus will be on the rural and urban areas with a higher possibility to exploit the market in urban areas because of the product’s new attractive scent. Sales should also be strong in the rural areas of the Midwest because it will attract more users to a Scented version of the Scented Ultrathon insect repellent, while also bringing in new clients who will be attracted by a Scented insect repellent. In terms of demographics, important factors will include family cycle, income, and age. The marketing campaign will target both male and female consumers aged between eighteen and forty because they are most likely to be involved in outdoor activities and starting a family. In addition, this age group has more affinity for worn scents than the older demographics. This age group is also likely to be either single or starting a family, while single people in the region are increasing because they wait longer prior to committing to marriage. The marketing campaign will focus its advertising on this group since they have more tendencies to purchase items for personal care, such as colognes and perfumed sprays. In addition, individuals who earn below $20,000 annually rarely use insect repellents and, for this reason, the marketing campaign will be aimed at those who are aged between eighteen and forty with income levels that are above $20,000. Finally, with regards to psychographic segmentation, this will not be as crucial as the other discussed segmentation criteria for the target market. However, the marketing campaign could target customers by focusing on their values and lifestyle, which should be brought to the forefront of the marketing strategy. The lifestyles of the age group discussed above lean towards healthy living, and they are very insistent on environmental protection (Garoogian 76). They also enjoy activities that involve the outdoors wi th the major activities for recreation being fishing and hunting. They also enjoy outdoor sport, boating, golfing, hiking, and camping. For 3M Ultrathon Scented, the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Company's Local Area Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Company's Local Area Network - Essay Example But it is good to know that a simple cleaning of one's computer can go a long way. But that's not always the case. A company's network's speed related problems are caused by a lot of factors. It is also very important to consider the hardware or the topology of the network: efficiency of use, expandability and medium used. The topology, or the way in which the stations attached to the network are interconnected (Stallings, 2007). The choice of topology of the company is crucial when starting the network. But in this case, the one troubleshooting should work around the pre existing topology and try to improve it. Cable could be re-routed to make the network simpler by using shorter paths from production control to manufacturing. In even more severe situations, a hardware overhaul is necessary. The processing capability of the controllers may be slower than what is required for the desirable production. The cable may not be able to handle the desirable data rates (Tomasi, 2004). Sensors and motors may not be able to respond as fast as they should. IBM United States (2009). Adjust LAN lines for optimum communications performance. iSeries Information Center, Version 5 Release 3.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Emile Durkheim and Max Weber
Emile Durkheim and Max Weber The subject of Sociology emerged in the 18th and 19th century a period known as The Age of Enlightenment. Since then, the study of Sociology has contributed profoundly and vastly to the world of history by fostering the formation, development, and shaping of societies. The fathers of Sociology, like Emile Durkheim and Max Weber, have had a weighty contribution in studying the development of societies and the evolution of social thinking. During 1789, the changes in French Society encouraged Durkheim to give Sociology its academic credibility and influence, as he saw Sociology as a distinctive study. His study was methodological, which he made evident in his study of the suicides. Weber formed a new form of conflict theory using Marxs work as his base. His research discussed the search for adequacy at the level of both subjective understanding and structural causality. In this essay, I will be focusing on the works of Durkheim and Weber, and will be explaining how the studied the evol ution of society focusing on different aspects. In Durkheims work, The Division of Labour (1997), he studied the changes in social cohesion amongst societies that evolved from traditional to modern, mainly focusing on individualism (Durkheim, 1997). He believed that the division of labour and economic dependence was the main force for binding people together in modern societies, unlike in traditional societies, where the shared belief would hold the society together (Durkheim, 1997). He explained this by mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Nonetheless, he did agree that a shared moral basis was an essential factor in social order, because organic solidarity emphasizes more on individual distinction, rather than common identities (Durkheim, 1997). Therefore, he noticed that, in traditional communities, religion was being replaced by individualism and philosophy. Mechanical solidarity exists in pre-industrial, small-scale societies and individuals are alike because they share the same emotions and same sacred values, hence their properties are communally owned, making the community smaller and traditional (Durkheim, 1997). Therefore, they do not differentiate, which limits job specification in the society. Over time, societies get more complex, this led to an increase in the division of labour and cause mechanical solidarity to be less evident. As a result, organic solidarity is created, forming more modern and large-scaled societies (Durkheim, 1997). In these societies, consensus is created, which means that there is differentiation between individuals, so there was a range of activity and tasks that came across, which strengthens the interdependence amongst them (Durkheim, 1997). In spite of individuals being unlike one another, they need to get on together in order for social life to work. This dependence develops a network of solidarity. Therefore, social order does not rest on uniformity but rather on individual pursuing different, but complementary functions, which encourages individualism and individual talent (Durkheim, 1997). The moral force and consensus amongst others hold the society together and ensures that interdependence remains. It should be considered that Durkheims distinction of these societies was not a simplistic and rigid division, because societies dont exhibit one and not the other. As organic solidarity increasing, societies will still need to have common beliefs because all societies have to have some common set of assumption about the world (Durkheim, 1997). Thus, collective consciousness is vital in a society, because without it, there is a collection of mutually antagonistic individuals (Durkheim, 1997). However, collective consciousness varies in extent and force from one society to another. Mechanical solidarity on one hand embraces individual conscience, and on the other hand, organic solidarity individual scope is higher, because people have greater freedom to follow their own preferences (Durkheim, 1997). Although the division of labour was important to Durkheim, it was not at the basis of his social theory. Unlike Marx, he did not see the economic level of social organization as providing the basis for all others, and he was much more concerned with shared beliefs and norms. He thought that class conflict was a temporary obstacle in social development believing that it acted as a mediator to ensure that modernisation occurred smoothly. Unlike Durkheim, who focused on the society and how that forms the actions, Weber discusses how individual action causes the changes in society. Weber argued that bureaucracies were becoming the organizational model of the 19th Century (Ritzer, 2000 and Weber in Lemert, 1999), which is a large hierarchical organization governed by formal rules and regulations and having clearly specified work tasks (Newman, 2008). This was seen as a leading example of rationalisation, as decisions were based on efficiency and not on tradition; it was an important social development to modernity. George Ritzer (1993) argues that McDonalds is becoming the model for organizations in the 21st Century; the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world (Ritzer, 1993). Webers rationalisation discussed regularities and patterns of action within civilisations, institutions, organisations, strata, classes, and groups (Ritzer, 2000). His interest lies on the objectified rationality, which is the action that is in accord with some process of external systematization. Weber argues 4 types of rationality practical, theoretical, substantive, and formal to scrutinize the historical fates of rationalization as sociocultural processes (Kalbery, 1980). Practical rationality is every way of life that views and judges worldly activity in relation to the individuals purely pragmatic and egoistic interests (Kalbery, 1980). Individuals that practice this rationality, merely accept realities, and deal with difficulties in the most expedient way. This rationality opposes anything that threatens to transcend everyday routine. Individuals tend to distrust all impractical values, as well as theoretical rationality. Theoretical rationality understands reality through t he abstract concepts, rather than through action (Ritzer, 2000). Unlike practical rationalists, individuals deal with difficulties as a quest to understand the world as a meaningful cosmos. Substantive rationality discusses how individuals accept the various possible values and attempt to make them consistent (Ritzer, 2000). However, this does become an issue in modern societies as it acts as an obstacle to pursue certain values. For example, being grounded to family values may be difficult for an individual to tolerate the economic pressure and dominance from bureaucratic organisations. Lastly, formal rationality characterises bureaucratic, which leads to universally applied rules, laws and regulations that characterize formal rationality in the West particularly in the economic, legal, and scientific institutions, as well as in the bureaucratic form of domination (Ritzer, 2000), such as the contemporary legal and judicial systems. As society was become more rationalised, Weber noticed that in modern societies, formal rationality played a greater role, thus substantive rationality lead to a decline (Ritzer, 2000). This is because; formal rationality emerged consequently during the time when capitalistic organisations were being developed. Due to the increase in formal rationality, the other forms of rationality are crowded out, limiting the possibility of creative social action (Ritzer, 2000). Durkheim believed that individuals actions are not independently chosen by them but in fact is the choices are planned by society. Using religion as an example, we possess certain values, beliefs and practices which have been learnt over time, because of their existence before. As a result, Durkheim believes that we perform our roles in society as a duty, even though they conform to my own sentiments and I feel their reality subjectivelyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I merely inherited them through my education (Appelrouth, S. Laura D.E in 2008). For example, the roles we perform as being a sister, or wife, or even mother is more like a duty, and how society expects us to behave and act towards the other. Therefore, the achievement of social life among people, the existence of social order and social solidarity is established by collective standards of behaviour and values (Durkheim, 1964). However, social solidarity is crucial for the existence of society; the specific type or form social solidari ty which resides within a society is not fixed and changes the changing form of society. The members of the society adopt common values, beliefs and tradition, which is created as products of collective interaction. This means that individuals are constrained to adopt their culture in a certain way, because they belong to that culture (Durkheim, 1964). For example, as a member of the audience, individuals feel obliged to applaud at the right time to conform the feeling of collectively. Therefore, the social group is a social phenomenon, as it constrains individual behaviour, which is known as social facts. It is every way of acting, fixed or not, capable of exercising on the individual an external constraint; or gain, every way of acting which is general throughout a given society, while at the same time existing in its own right independent of its individual manifestations (Durkheim, 1964: 13). For example, many people say that society is the reason for their actions, beliefs and knowledge; like society expects one to get married and have children, however not everyone fulfils these expectations, and they still do continue living in society. Nevertheless, the degree of constraint and freedom vary and there is always a degree of choice, but the there is also a degree of constraint, which are social facts. Durkheim (1964) argues that social facts must be regarded as things which can be observed at the level of collectively and not at the level of individual behaviour. He also suggests that one can identify social phenomena by identifying situations of social constraint. Using suicide as an example, we all believe that it is the most individualistic action of all actions (Poilton et al, 1987). However, Durkheim uses his work on Suicide to prove that even in its most solitary and individual of acts, something external to the individual, namely society, has not only been a witness to but also the director of the tragic drama. Webers social action theory explains how individuals in society have the ability to exert control over their own actions, which makes them the active creator of social behaviour, hence opposing Durkheims view about society constructing their action. Hence, according to Weber, society is created by individuals and not the other way around (Weber, 1978 and Whimster, 2000). Individuals in society use their conscious thought to be aware of themselves and others as social beings; they possess their own motives, belief, and reasons, and they control their own actions. Weber discusses 4 types of social action according to the degree of rationality vs. meaningfulness traditional action, affectual action, value-rational action, and instrumental action (Weber, 1978 and Whimster, 2000). Traditional action is an unthinking habitual behaviour. It has low rationality and low meaningfulness (Weber, 1978). For example, the way people eat in different cultures and families vary. Thus, eating with yo ur hands is not considered rude in an Indian family, whereas it would be in a European family. Affectual action is governed by emotions, and thus makes it uncontrollable, similarly to traditional action; it is low on rationality and meaningfulness (Weber, 1978). For example, emotions such as laughing, burping, and anger are controllable, and as a result, the individuals have the ability to exert control. Value-rational action is the characteristic of modern societies and civilisations that have not made the transition to high modernity (Weber, 1978). These actions are high on rationality, but low on meaning, as one is unable to reflect upon the value of actions. For example, in religion, the belief in God is rational as there is blind faith, and people follow certain practices in order to go to heaven. Lastly, instrumental action represents the completion of an individuals ability to reflect upon the ways and purposes of his actions (Weber, 1978). It exists in all societies, but pre dominantly in advanced capitalist societies. For example, in society, in order to earn a PhD degree, one has certain rational acts to achieve that certain rational goal, such as funds and grades. Therefore, Weber argued that the actions of the individuals are not influenced by society, but in fact they have the capability to exert control over their actions, thus they are independent of their own behaviour. In Division of Labour (1997), Durkheim further discusses the reinforcement of suitably modernized societies. He saw that only certain groups would be permitted to regulate economic life by generating the moral standards (Turner, 1993). According to Durkheim, these standards can be established neither by the scientist in his study nor by the statesman; it has to the task of the groups concerned. (Turner, 1993); in other words, it cannot come from outside. However, these groups were non-existent in society (Turner, 1993). Although Durkheim was vague about the groups, he does implicitly argue that the groups would have initially been formed by legislation; once the group is formed, nothing can hinder an appropriate moral life from evolving out of it (Turner, 1993). Nevertheless, Durkheims vague idea about the groups was correct. The governmental regulation of economic life, such as the regulation on the notions of morality and equity, has enormously developed in modern industrialised societies, and the agent is known as the State, not occupational groups (Turner, 1993). As Durkheim failed to realise the ability the State possesses to regulate economic life, he also underestimated the moral power of traditional intermediate groups, which were based upon their religion and ethics (Turner, 1993). He believed that only modern groups could counterbalance the actions of the State. However, Durkheim viewed central State and intermediate groups are the key factors to individual rights (Turner, 1993). Therefore, Durkheim perceives the State as the organ of the society, it is the social brain; the State acts as a regulator. Weber did not see State as the regulator, but in fact, he saw the State as dominator. As we are aware that bureaucracy organisation were being more popular, societies transferred from traditional to modern over a period of time, especially in capitalist societies. Weber saw that there was a new emphasis on materialism and consequently the rise in Protestantism resulted in the formation of The Iron Cage as human society was imprisoned with depersonalisation and increased rationalisation (Weber, 1958). According to Calvinism, known as a rational religious system, people should engage in a disciplined and methodical way of life which would facilitate their path to become richer and work harder (Weber, 1958). This was because they believed that it was the right way to glorify God, as it would be a sign that they are chosen to be saved. Contrary, Catholic doctrine followed the idea that one would obtain salvation by the means of avoiding salvation and adopting an isolated and mainly spiritual life (Weber, 1958). Therefore, the attitude of material wealth to serve God, and wasting time and money being an obstacle for salvation, led to development of the Capitalist system, as it permitted Christians to live luxuriously, thus rational economy was formed in which everything was calculated and designed to maintain the system. However, soon, the reasons for material wealth had been substituted for other reasons, and maintaining the social system was a key priority (Weber, 1958). These meant that people worked and earn more, just so they could spend more. As a results, science replaced religion in order to keep the system working, thus the Capitalist system got out of hand, which linked to secularisation (Weber, 1958). Unconsciously, people were trapped in the system, like a cage, without ways to leave, which subsequently made them slaves of the system, transferring people into money machines (Weber, 1958). According to Weber, peoples ability to control their life was diminishing as they no longer had the option of to be or not to be part of the system; their freedom is limited. Ironically, the bureaucracy aimed to ensure peoples civil liberty, but unfortunately, it resulted in people enslaving them, and indirectly forcing them to support the system. To conclude, it is evident that Weber and Durkheim both focused on different aspects when studying social evolution. Weber focused on the economical aspect, such as capitalism and bureaucracy, and Durkheim on the social, like the workings of society; Weber supported the idea that actions of individuals caused a change in society, but Durkheim disagreed and said that it was the change in society that led to a change in peoples actions. However, they are similar in the way that they both believed that society needed to evolve, and break through the traditional way of life.
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